Treating Panic Attacks Without Medication - 3 Top Methods

By Pascal Athlo

Before embarking on a mission to cure panic attacks, it is better to first confirm whether it is really panic attacks that are bothering you or something else. To properly confirm this you need to consult a licensed therapist or a doctor who will diagnose your condition and reach a conclusion.

The symptoms of panic attacks are common symptoms which are also exhibited by patients of other health ailments. There isn't any special symptom which belongs to just this disorder.

Take the example of faster heart beat. During a panic attack, many people will experience a pounding heart accompanied by a lot of sweating. But such symptoms will also be displayed by patients who are suffering from heart related ailments. So it is not possible to be fully certain that you are dealing with panic disorder and not some other health problem.

After a comprehensive examination, once it is safely concluded that you are truly suffering from panic related disorder, then you can proceed ahead with its treatment.

It is best to try a panic attack treatment without medication. Medicines can carry grave side effects with them. Another problem with medication is that you may get seriously addicted to them. So even if you get cured of the problem by taking medicines, another problem might crop up now in the form of getting habituated to these drugs.

For this reason, many people are not very enthusiastic in taking medication for panic attacks. Thankfully, there are a number of alternative methods that can also nicely take care of this problem.

You can try out aromatherapy if you want a drug-free solution to your panic problem. Aromatherapy makes use of essential oils which are known to reduce anxiety and induce calmness. Mixtures will be prepared from these essential oils and given to patients for inhaling or massaging on to their body. You might even be asked to take a bath with water mixed with these essential oils.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese branch of medicine where various pressure points in the human body are stimulated with the help of needles so that different diseases are naturally cured. The human body has numerous pressure points which once activated can help in coping with anxiety and stress.

Herbal teas and medicines can also be taken for overcoming anxiety and panic problems. The benefit of herbal medicine is that it usually does not contain any grave side effects unlike the prescription medication.

The above mentioned natural methods of treatment will help you in overcoming panic attacks without the need for medication. These methods are also not very expensive and hence a lot of people can try them out. That is one of the reasons why alternative therapies are gaining huge popularity throughout the world. - 30309

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Panic Away Review

By Ryse Edwards

Are you suffering from chest pains, labored breathing, or other similar pains brought by stress, panic, and anxiety? There are millions of people all throughout the world who experience the same thing as you do. This is simply known as a panic attack, and may have found themselves in a hospital because of it. However, this condition should not be affecting you and Panic Away has the answer to help you avoid panic attacks and solve this condition.

You have probably been experiencing all these for quite some time now and probably taking medication to treat it. However, do you know that you can get past all these pains and panic attacks even without taking medicines? The developer of Panic Away was able to come up with a new treatment for anxiety and panic attacks using a natural approach.

Since this approach is new, there are bound to be people that will doubt and be critical that Panic Away works. This is especially true for those who have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for a long time. The fact is the Panic Away techniques are so simple they can be used easily to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety, relieving you of day to day anxieties. The good thing with it is that, this approach is done without the help of any medicine.

The Panic Away techniques can be applied and used wherever you are at anytime. The techniques are not about NLP or hypnotics in approach but are some advanced cognitive techniques that can be followed to handle and relieve stress, which is simply done by just reading some basic steps and follow it.

In order to properly use the technique by Panic Away, you need to learn to break the fear of having another panic attack. Until the day comes that you do not worry about when your next one will occur, you will never have complete freedom from this problem.

As soon as you begin to think about an attack, the cycle of anxiety begins to churn. Believe it or not, a panic attack is based on your thoughts and emotions which is precisely why one is created well in advance of the actual attack. All it takes is a small glitch of stress for a tidal wave of panic to occur.

If this is what you are experiencing and you really wish to stop anxiety and panic attacks from affecting you, then get of those pills. What you need is to learn the Panic Away technique and then you will know how to stop the fear of the panic attacks and break the cycle of anxiety in your life. Then you will be able to have a peaceful and stress-free way of life again. - 30309

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How To Cure Panic Disorder Swiftly

By Frank Gruber

Panic disorder is a typical condition in which a person has episodes of intense fear or hysteria that happen suddenly. Panic fits can indicate the presence of panic disorder, depression, or other kinds of anxiety-based illnesses. A panic episode often lasts for a while and is one of the most distressing conditions that a person can experience. Panic fits can happen at any time, even while asleep. An attack generally peaks inside ten mins, but some symptoms may last longer. At least 1.7% of adult US people, or about 3,000,000 people, will have panic episodes at some time in their lives. Panic fits may be evidence of a foreboding disorder.

These attacks are a serious health problem in this country. About five % of the people will experience panic fits during their lifetimes. There also appears to be a connection with major life transitions such as graduating from school and entering the workplace, getting married, and having a baby.

Severe stress,eg the demise of a loved one, divorce, or job loss can also trigger a panic attack.

More women than men are influenced by panic episodes. Some folk are influenced by frequent panic attacks, a condition known as panic disorder. A panic attack is a reply of the sympathetic nervous system ( SNS ). The most typical symptoms may include : trembling, dyspnea ( shortness of breath ), heart palpitations, chest pain ( or chest tightness ), sweating, nausea, dizziness ( or slight vertigo ), light-headedness, hyperventilation, paresthesias ( shivering sensations ), sensations of choking or smothering. Plenty of the symptoms that occur during a panic fit are the same as the indications of illnesses of the heart, lungs, guts or nervous system. The similarities between panic disorder and other diseases may add to the person's stress and fear during and after a panic fit. Heredity, stress and certain biochemical factors may play a part. Several drugs can make panic episodes less severe or stop them altogether. Paroxetine ( brand : Paxil ) and sertraline ( brand : Zoloft ) are antidepressant medicines that have been authorized by the U.S.

Medications from the beta blocker family ( for example, propranolol ) are sometimes used to treat the physical symptoms associated with a panic fit. Antidepressants are extraordinarily effective in preventing anxiety and panic fits. Antidepressants will not make you lose control or change your personality. These medicines may be employed for as long as obligatory, even for years. Alprazolam and clonazepam ( name : Klonopin ) are also drugs authorized by the FDA to treat panic disorder. These drugs give relief from fear and anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral care helps people learn to handle panic symptoms, using methods like muscle and breathing relaxation. Antidepressants, for example Tofranil, often help reduce uneasiness and the frequency and seriousness of panic attacks. Psychotherapy offers support helping to minimize the fearfulness of symptoms, and infrequently is enough to clear up the disorder.

Panic Attack Treatment Tips

1. Alternative remedies like meditation and relaxation care are typically used to help relax the body and relieve anxiety.

2. Psychotherapy offers support helping to minimize the fearfulness of symptoms, and often is satisfactory to clear up the disorder.

3. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps folks learn to address panic symptoms, using methods like muscle and breathing relaxation.

4. Anti-depressants, such as Tofranil, regularly help reduce agitation and the frequency and seriousness of panic attacks.

5. Benzodiazepines - These anti-anxiety drugs act terribly quickly.

6. Anti-depressants have been shown to cut back panic attacks . - 30309

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Dementia Managing

By Robert Sanders

Part of the problem in finding drugs which may be effective for dementia is that our ideas about what constitutes dementia have been undergoing radical change in recent years. It had been traditional to distinguish between Alzheimer's dementia, or senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type (SDAT) and multi-infarct dementia (MID), which is theoretically caused by small strokes which insidiously pick off brain tissue to the point where an individual's cognitive function is compromised.

It was originally thought that MID accounted for 60%+ of the dementias. Accordingly, early attempts to treat the dementias concentrated on the multi-infarct dementias. The initial hypothesis was that these multiple small strokes were being caused by a process of hardening of the arteries, sometimes called arteriosclerosis and sometimes atherosclerosis (although these terms refer to two quite different disorders) which impaired blood supply to the brain. The logical treatment, therefore, for this condition was to attempt to dilate blood vessels. This led to the use of a wide number of vasodilating drugs such as hydralazine.

It is quite rare now for such drugs to be used for this purpose. Arguably, if anything, such treatment may have made the condition somewhat worse in that a potential effect of vasodilators is the reduction of blood pressure and reducing blood pressure would mean that the brain would be less perfused with blood, as one of the functions of blood pressure in the first instance is to provide the propulsive force to send blood up against the force of gravity to perfuse the brain.

Stage 2

More recent attempts to treat the dementias have proceeded on the basis that Alzheimer's dementia is the commonest form of dementia. For many years, the term Alzheimer's dementia was reserved for dementias that came on before the age of 65 (for this reason it was also called persenile dementia), which were not obviously caused by strokes. It was conceded that there was another dementia that was like Alzheimer's dementia, which appeared to come on after the age of 65 but this was thought to be less common. Distinctions on the basis of age have now collapsed and both dementias of the Alzheimer type are now called senile dementia of the Alzheimer type. The amalgamation of these two groups led to an awareness that Alzheimer's-type dementia is the commonest form. The primary therapeutic focus in the field, therefore, has been on an attempt to reverse the deficits which are supposed to be present in SDAT.

In particular, it has been held that in Alzheimer's, there is a dysfunction of cholinergic pathways in the brain, for which there are both historical and clinical reason. Historically, when early work in psychopharmacology began, there were only four known neurotransmitters - noradrenaline, 5-HT, dopamine and acetylcholine (ACh). Noradrenaline quickly became the neurotransmitter involved in depression and mood disorders. Dopamine was known to be involved in Parkinson's disease, and, when it became clear that neuroleptics acted on it, schizophrenia, after which the psychoses in general came to be seen as disorders of dopamine neurotransmission. For the most part, 5-HT was associated with either depression or anxiety. This left ACh without a function. It seemed convenient to parcel it out to the dementias.

There was, in addition, some clinical evidence in favour of an association between the cholinergic system and dementia. Part of the reason for this claim can be seen in a number of the chapters of this blog, in which drugs with anticholinergic effects have been noted as potentially causing amnesia or confusion (see The Management of Side Effects & Side Effects of Antidepressants articles).

Stage 3

In the last 5 years, a number of other dementias have been described. A distinction has been drawn between cortical and subcortical dementias. The cortex of the brain is the area responsible for higher cognitive functions, such as speaking, reading, planning and executing actions, etc In the cortical dementias, memory is usually the function most noticeably affected but those who are affected also have problems with planning even simple functions such as dressing and they typically cannot read, draw or execute any complex tasks. Alzheimer's and MID are cortical dementias. There are also subcortical parts to the brain which are common to humans and other mammals. They involve a number of what are termed midbrain and brainstem structures. - 30309

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Bipolar Disorder And How It Affects Families

By James Rowland

Family dynamic forces are all the time very complex. Add to the equivalence a mentally ill soul and children often collapse under the importance and pressure of treatment the patient. There are numerous cerebral bedlam which can involve populace. Of these, mood condition like Bipolar unrest not only adopt the distinct but have sincere consequences for the entire domestic.

A character with disorder habitually swings between mania and depression. These mood vagaries come not far off suddenly and can each incident can last for up to months, unfavorably affecting the frame's and conduct. In severe incident of mania the somebody capability delirium and image and in severe depression there is perilous ideation. In both of circumstances, the uncomplaining becomes very strenuous to cope with and there is a interruption in communication and relationships.

If somebody has bipolar complaint, it influence family unit to a very outsized extent because the human being's behaviour is malformed and not what is accepted in society. This earnings a toll on the nuclear family. For standard a miserable outbreak will make the frame lazy, uncommunicative, and introvert, lose confidence and self importance, and become cross and even reckless. Since these family prevent assignation anybody, or if they do, seem neutral and very sad, they make new uncomfortable. In a frantic affair the ego becomes collectively inappropriate by becoming very hard-hitting, conversation at full volume and very fast, becoming reckless with the outgoings of wages and risk taking , becoming challenging, winning in inappropriate sensual etc.

Bipolar disarray critically imitate extended family because there is an supplementary expressive, rational and physical tension that comes along with taking care of an ill party. It is very tough to see a worshipped one go through the hell of a cerebral chaos. This becomes unusually complex when the families don't completely the confusion and are latch unawares.

If there is a intimate affiliate with bipolar disarray, lineage are exaggerated negatively also because of the unmitigated dishonor supporting to mental sickness. Families live with fear and guilt on the order of how others will look at them. A by-product of what society thinks almost cerebral virus is also superficial in the bathroom and telecommunications provided for those pretentious by them and their clan. This adds to the worry of taking care of star with bipolar illness because there is no real institutional help to one side from hospitalisation which is a last resort and high-priced at that.

Families are also affected badly if an earning member has bipolar disorder. This person may end up making bad decisions as a result of the condition, like impulsively quitting a well paying job, or deciding to sell the house, and thus affect the whole family. - 30309

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Patient Rights

By Carlo Mueres

Before you go into psychotherapy, you should be informed of your rights as a patient ahead of time by the therapist. The therapist should, in addition, give you a printed copy of something that reads similar to the below, so that you can take it home with you. We've long had a version of these rights here on our website, but I thought it might be helpful to further describe or explain each right in a little more detail.

Therapists nowadays may also often offer you their guidelines for electronic and/or outside contact, (such as through Facebook, email, telephone, etc). This sets the ground rules for how you may contact the therapist outside of session, in event of an emergency, or in the event that you just want to share something with your therapist (or change your appointment or such).

You should know that these rights are not absolutes, and there may be exceptions based upon what kind of treatment you're undertaking, under what conditions, and in what country or province you live in (even state laws vary that may alter some of these rights). If you have a specific concern with one of these rights, you should discuss it with your therapist during your next session.

Every patient engaging in psychotherapy with a professional has the following rights:

You have a right to participate in developing an individual plan of treatment. Every client in psychotherapy should have a treatment plan that describes general goals of therapy, and specific objectives the client will work on in order to achieve their goals. Without such a plan, how would you know you've made progress?

You have a right to receive an explanation of services in accordance with the treatment plan. The therapist should describe the process of how they work with clients, in as much detail as you prefer and time allows.

You have a right to participate voluntarily in and to consent to treatment. You are there voluntarily and should understand and consent to all treatment provided you (unless you have been court-ordered or have other state-imposed restrictions).

You have a right to object to, or terminate, treatment. Don't like therapy or a specific type of treatment? You can leave at any time without any kind of repercussions (unless you have been court-ordered to attend therapy).

You have a right to have access to one's records. Yes, although many professionals don't like it, you have a right to review the records they keep on you.

You have a right to receive clinically appropriate care and treatment that is suited to their needs and skillfully, safely, and humanely administered with full respect for their dignity and personal integrity. Your therapist should be skilled and trained to administer the treatment he or she said they would, and do so in a dignified and humane manner. You should never feel unsafe in your therapist's presence.

You have a right to be treated in a manner which is ethical and free from abuse, discrimination, mistreatment, and/or exploitation. Therapists shouldn't use your story to write a book, a screenplay, a movie, or have you appear on a television show. They shouldn't attempt to leverage the therapeutic relationship in an inappropriate manner (e.g., sexually or romantically), and they shouldn't pass judgment upon you based upon your background, race, handicaps, etc.

You have a right to be treated by staff who are sensitive to one's cultural background. No matter what your background or culture, you should expect to be treated with respect and dignity, by all staff (including billing staff, receptionists, etc.).

You have a right to be afforded privacy. Your sessions are confidential and private and will not be overheard or shared with others.

You have a right to be free to report grievances regarding services or staff to a supervisor. More of an issue if you're being seen in a clinic or hospital.

You have a right to be informed of expected results of all therapies prescribed, including their possible adverse effects (e.g., medications). Psychiatrists should go through the list of common adverse and side effects of any medication they prescribe. If a type of psychotherapy treatment also has adverse events, those should be described to you at the onset of treatment.

You have a right to request a change in therapist. Sometimes it just doesn't work out with the therapist chosen. That's nobody's fault and the therapist should help you find his or her replacement (through a referral, at minimum).

You have a right to request that another clinician review the individual treatment plan for a second opinion. You are entitled to a second opinion by a professional of your choosing at any time.

You have a right to have records protected by confidentiality and not be revealed to anyone without my written authorization. - 30309

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Green Spaces Boost The Body And The Mind

By Carlo Mueres

The closer you live to nature, the healthier you're likely to be.

For instance, people who live within 1 kilometer of a park or wooded area experience less anxiety and depression, Dutch researchers report.

The findings put concrete numbers on a concept that many health experts had assumed to be true.

"It's nice to see that it shows that, that the closer humans are to the natural environment, that seems to have a healthy influence," said Dr. David Rakel, director of integrative medicine and assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

One previous study had noted fewer health inequalities between rich and poor people in areas with lots of green space, and other studies have echoed these health benefits. But much of this research had relied on people's perceptions of their physical and mental health.

This new objective look at the matter involved scouring medical records of 345,143 people in Holland, assessing health status for 24 conditions, including cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological diseases. This information was then correlated with how much green space was located within 1 kilometer and 3 kilometers of a person's postal code.

People living in more urban environments had a higher prevalence of 15 of the 24 conditions, with the relationship strongest for anxiety disorder and depression.

In areas with only 10 percent of green space, about 2.6 percent of people experienced anxiety disorders, compared to 1.8 percent of people in areas with 90 percent green space. The disparity was evident for depression as well - 3.2 percent of people living in more urbanized areas had depression versus 2.4 percent of those in more rural areas.

The health benefits were evident only when the green acres were within a kilometer, not at the 3 kilometer perimeter, except for anxiety disorders, gastrointestinal digestive disorders and so-called medically unexplained physical symptoms, the researchers said.

Children and poor people suffered disproportionately from lack of green acres, the researchers found.

The study findings were published online Thursday in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Any number of factors could account for the benefits of green space, experts said.

More natural sunlight, for instance, has been linked with a lower incidence of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and other benefits.

"If patients in hospitals have direct exposure to sunlight through a window or natural sunlight, hospital stays are shorter and patients have less complications," Rakel said. "That's been well-established.

More light also means more vitamin D in the skin, which has been found to elevate mood and improve muscle strength, he added.

And fresh air, obviously, has a benefit as well, as do the exercise opportunities that come with more open space.

But much of the relief may come from the simple ability to de-stress.

"If we're in a busy street with more technology and artificial things, we're going to be multi-tasking more, which prevents us from focusing on one thing," Rakel said. "In this day and age, we really need some sort of centering practice. We need to get our mind out of its own stories and focus on something that's pure. Nature is a beautiful example of that - it's the way things were meant to be. - 30309

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The Truth Between Suicide And Depression - Suicide Depression

By Trevor Johnson

Depression and suicide are two things that tend to come hand in hand. Rarely would one kill themselves without being horrendously sad. Thoughts of death may sound sweet to those who are grieved with such an illness. - Suicide Depression

Why do people become depressed? How many people are touched by suicide and depression in the U. S? Does it only affect certain people? No, it does not. It could be anyone.

What causes depression is an imbalance of serotonin, a hormone, in the brain. This chemical has been linked as a major contributor and a cause for someone deciding to kill themselves. Of course, it's not easy to test for this at home so if you suspect you or someone you love has a problem, you should seek professional help.

Suicide is a major issue and was number eleven for the leading causes of death in the U. S. In 2006. Many things increase the risk of suicide but depression beats them all in the charts with 90% of suicide related deaths being coupled with depression.

The amount of persons who are disheartened and pass on from suicide is a significant figure. Females are much less likely than males to succeed in suicide due to the methods most commonly used between the two. The younger group has had their rate of suicides rising for years. More and more people are diagnosed with depression every day. The rate at which it is being recorded has increased substantially.

If you know someone struggling with misfortune and grief, comfort them. If they become suicidal you should convince them to see a doctor. Don't hesitate to talk to them about it. Or just be there to listen to them in their hour of need.

There is a clear link between the two. Depression is the door to suicide, although not everyone steps through. Whether or not someone is male, female, old, or young depression could happen. Just as that could happen, so could suicide. - 30309

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The Many Benefits Of Having A Photographic Memory

By Michelle Rudge

Have you noticed the other people in your world that are confident, intelligent and successful? Chances are they have developed their photographic memory or they may have it naturally. It's not necessarily that these people are more intelligent or beautiful, they have a skill that we too, can learn.

How is it that the successful people in the world seem to have success in so many areas of their lives? When I was at school, there were students that would breeze through exams and didn't seem to have the stress of study like most of us. And then when I joined the workforce, there would be colleagues who would give presentations to management with ease and poise. These people were accurate in their work, had great attention to detail, were organized and thorough. And then they would also have meaningful relationships that were healthy and thriving.

It's a fact, that what sets these people apart is their ability to memorize (and then recall with ease, at a later date) large amounts of information. Superior intellect or natural gifting is not necessarily was these people posses, but an ability (whether natural or developed) for photographic memory.

The neural pathways in your brain are strengthened when you develop your photographic memory and this opens up more and more parts of your brain that may not have been used much. Developing photographic memory increases your overall brain activity and brings benefits to many areas of your life. * Increased reading speed and comprehension * Increased peripheral vision and awareness * Dramatically improved concentration and focus This enables you to learn so much faster and more effectively, but it does take practice and discipline.

When I realized the benefits to be gained from having a photographic memory I began my own journey to find how I could develop this photographic memory. It is thought that all of us are born with a photographic memory, but as we grow older we develop habits that stop us using this skill. But we can develop it again and reap the benefits it has to our lives. There are now a few courses that you can do to develop your photographic memory, some start with a speed reading course, but photographic memory is so much more than just a speed reading ability. - 30309

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Learn How To Stop Panic Attacks - Using Panic Therapy Treatments

By Harwood Canfield

Many individuals who are subjected to panic attacks are accused of being someone who merely desires attention. This attitude is completely misguided. Although a panic attack is not the same as certain traditional medical conditions, it is both a mental and physical disorder that must be taken very seriously. If you experience panic attacks and want to learn how to stop panic attacks, see a medical doctor immediately to get a panic therapy that will control your condition.

As classified by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), panic disorders are officially under the umbrella of anxiety disorders. Other anxiety disorders include social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and agoraphobia, among other conditions. Over twenty million people in the United States alone experience some type of anxiety disorder.

Panic disorder is exemplified by reoccurring panic attacks that often come about suddenly and without prior notice. A panic attack is an strong feeling of groundless alarm that lasts over a period of time. Various symptoms of a panic attack may or may not include a pounding heart, chest pains, excessive perspiration, difficulty breathing, the fear of going crazy, shaking, cold or hot flashes, a choking sensation, and nausea. One panic attack does not imply you should be diagnosed with panic disorder, but if this condition occurs a number of times and interrupts your life, you should see a medical doctor immediately.

Most people experience the unpleasantness of a panic attack at some point in their lives. Despite the fact that this may be a daunting experience, you should normally not be troubled unless the month following the panic attack leads to continuous nervousness about having another panic attack, continual nervousness about a condition that could be related to the attack, or major changes in your routine.

After you undergo a panic attack, even for the first time, see a doctor. Try to clearly think about the symptoms you've experienced and record the time and length of the attack. This information will help your physician find the best treatment choices available for you. Often, panic attacks occur simultaneously with other anxiety disorders, therefore being clear about your experiences will help your doctor to understand your experiences.

Consider, panic attacks are real. Despite the fact that there might be a few instances where people pretend to have attacks to get attention or for other reasons, this is not the norm. If someone around you is suffering a panic attack, offer your assistance and call a physician without delay to get help for the person. If it is you that is having panic attacks, you ought to look at the reviews of the top "how to stop panic attacks" programs to find the best panic therapy treatment for you. Below are links to help you increase the quality of your life... - 30309

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A Treatment For Panic Attack Problems Is Best For Your Health When Its Natural

By Cherry Wilkinson

Many people want a natural remedy for panic attack issues. For a few years, drugs and analysis have been the sole panic fit cure available for sufferers. But now there are a variety of remedies available right from your own residence. After discussing risk factors, causes, and diagnosis with a medical professional, you can consider working a few of these natural methods into your life.

Reduce Life Stress

One critical way to scale back the frequency of panic attacks is to cut back the level of anxiety or tension in your daily activities. Lowering the amount of stress in your life is an easy most important step to reducing the quantity of panic attacks. Spend more time doing the things you like to do and less time doing the things that you do not like doing. Naturally we all still have to go to work, but after a very long day of work, spend your evenings doing what makes you cheerful. Shortly your day of work will be stuffed with anticipation over your evenings rather than nervousness over work.

Relaxation exercises can also be a good way to reduce your levels of stress and may even ward off a pending panic fit. Ceaselessly test your relaxation abilities to help build your skills in this area. Doing your relaxation exercises on a daily and consistent basis will scale back your overall stress level. Carve out a particular time of day that is just for you. It'll shortly become a time that you anticipate each day.

Exercise is a great stress reliever for your body. Sensible exercise will get your heart rate up and your endorphins moving. Your body will be ready to get rid of toxins quicker and relax easier when you stick to a routine exercise program. You don't need to run a marathon, just try and get your heart rate up at least 3 times per week for thirty mins or more.


Though many folks are anxious about seeking help from a support group, they can often be the best help for an anxiety disorder like panic attacks. Having the ability to talk with others who are going through the same things can be extraordinarily useful. The Anxiety aberrations association of America ( ADAA ) has conferences in hundreds of towns across the country.


Drinking lots of water will help flush toxins out of your body and eating healthy food will keep your body operating at its best. Avoid high sugar and fat foods, as they'll cause an increase of toxins in your body. Eating a controlled diet has traditionally been a referral for people afflicted by anxiety defects, but it is normally a great idea for everyone!

Incorporating natural remedies into your panic episode treatment is straightforward and can be done gradually. Simply pick one thing and start doing it slowly. If you start incorporating exercise into your life and can keep it up, then add eating a balanced diet to your intention. Slowly try to incorporate all five natural cures and you will quickly be on your way to a more moderen more fit you! - 30309

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Common Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Attack

By Funmi Salami

Most often, people suffering from anxiety believe they only have a character flaw, not a mental disorder.

For anxiety sufferers, the labels of moody and paranoid are often attached to them. Stressful situations become difficult to deal with and they are seen as blowing things out of proportion.

Psychological Symptoms

The defining symptom of all anxiety disorders is having overwhelming thoughts of fears and worries that last for six months or more. There are several other symptoms of anxiety disorders, and they vary according to the type and severity of the anxiety.

A short temper, irritability and impatience are common symptoms anxiety sufferers deal with along with restlessness, trouble concentrating and the inability to complete tasks or goals. Further symptoms include the inability to express thoughts coherently along with complaints of the mind going blank.

There are physical tolls the body endures as well from a person afflicted with anxiety. The person will often be constantly on the lookout for danger or tend to think of the worst possible scenarios. In these cases, people around them will usually see the sufferer as pessimistic.

Some people with anxiety may also experience agoraphobia, or fear of public spaces. This is especially the case of people with obsessive-compulsive disorders, although other anxiety disorder sufferers are prone to this problem as well, though likely to a lesser degree.

If the anxiety disorder is severe, he person may experience depression and hallucinations. In these cases, thoughts of suicide are often present.

Excessive thoughts of worry, fear, irrationality and negative feelings are persistent in those suffering from anxiety.

Physical Symptoms

While anxiety is a psychological disorder, it can have an effect on the body as well. This will hinder the person's ability to function in everyday life.

Common physical symptoms include increased heart rate, high blood pressure, sweating, dizziness and headaches. In addition, difficulty inhaling deep breaths can lead to frequent hyperventilation and other symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia and hyperactivity may also occur.

As the body is exposed to excessive amounts of adrenaline from a person suffering with anxiety, this person may also experience muscle tension and body aches. The excess adrenaline rush is also accountable for the mood swings.

And when the mind spends so much time in a state of worry, other bodily functions are compromised. This leads to a loss of appetite or nausea, diarrhea, or frequent urination, and constantly being thirsty. Many anxiety sufferers even complain about a reduced sex drive.

Other Anxiety Symptoms

However, not all anxiety sufferers experience the same symptoms. In fact, some experience the opposite of the ones mentioned earlier. In most cases, these symptoms are brought on during a high level of anxiety such as someone suffering from SAD who finds themselves in the middle of a group of strangers.

One symptom is excessively low blood pressure. This reaction does not allow the proper oxygen and nutrient levels to get to the brain.

Another symptom reported during high levels of anxiety is a heightened degree of sex drive.

Food cravings have also been reported. In most cases, sugar was at the top of the list. It is believed that this occurs due to the excessively low blood pressure during a heightened anxiety episode. - 30309

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Stress And How You Can Manage It

By Andrew Lim

One of first steps towards enjoying a more stress-free life is to know where it's coming from - be it a so-called external source or from yourself.

Your goal is not only to identify as many of your sources of stress as possible, but with as great as precision as possible, and to break your sources of stress down into the 'right size' sources. If you're not sure what's making you stressed, how are you supposed to cope with, or eliminate this stress? Similarly, if you lump all your stresses into one gynormous stress, how are you supposed to even want to begin to tackle your stress?

1:Brainstorm on a blank piece of paper anything or anyone (actions, people and attitudes) that you feel is contributing to your current stress level.

Start off with external actions and people. Then look at how you may, unconsciously or not, be contributing to your own stress, whether it's your mind-talk or attitude or your stress coping skills. For example, ask yourself the following:

-What actions (jobs to do, events and deadlines) do I associate with my stress? -What people (family, friends, colleagues) do I associate with my stress? -How does I contribute to my own stress (attitude/thoughts, feelings, behaviors/habits)?

2:Be as specific as possible, by asking yourself, the 5 W questions - who/what, where, when, why and how.

You want to know what specifically is stressing you so that you can tackle each of the sources of stress one by one, in a manageable fashion, and either eliminate or reduce them.

Anytime you sense that you are being too vague for it to help you, do a stress-buster, and go in for the specific. Classic examples are your stress excuses or cover-ups, such as "It's just a hectic time of year", or "Whenever I'm with Mary, we end up fighting about silly things" or "I just have a nervous personality, that's all".

3:Break down each Stress Source into a Manageable Stress Issue:

If you say simply, "my husband stresses me", you are unlikely to be able to reduce the stress you feel around him, unless you leave him. If instead you identify that "my husband stresses me when he talks about finances...", this already has become more manageable issue. And if you then identify that it's really only when you talk about the phone bill that it gets stressful, then you are able to focus in on one specific stress source. - 30309

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Ten Ways To Lower Anxiety

By Carlo Mueres

Skimming through Real Simple magazine at the check out line of the supermarket, I came across Dr. Robert Leahy's "10 Ways to Cope with Anxiety." Dr. Leahy is the director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy and the author of many books on the subject. His suggestions will help you calm your nerves:

1) Repeat your worry until you're bored silly.

"take the troublesome thought that's nagging at you and say it over and over, silently, slowly, for 20 minutes. It's hard to keep your mind on a worry if you repeat it that many times."

Dr. Leahy calls this technique "the boredom cure. "Behavioral scientists call it 'flooding'. I'm not so keen about this technique for my extremely anxious patients who are having trouble regulating their thoughts and emotions. If your anxiety is on the milder side, however, and you have the courage to do this, I recommend you think about your worries while practicing relaxation techniques to keep your body as calm as possible.

2) Make it worse.

"When you try too hard to control your anxieties, you only heighten them. Instead exaggerate them and see what happens."

This is a good one. When I suggest it to my patients I call it the 'Bring it on' technique or 'Fake it 'til you make it'. By inviting what scares you, you learn on your time that you can survive your fears instead of waiting to be bushwhacked by them.

Sports psychologists use this all the time. When I was terrified my horse would shy and dump me on the ground, my coach told me to stop trying to keep my mare from bolting. Instead she told me expect her to shy, to look forward to it. That attitude helped me relax and so did the horse.

3) Don't fight the craziness.

"You mayhave thoughts that lead you to think you'll do something terribleor that you're going insane Remember - our minds are creativeevery now and then 'crazy' thoughts jump out. Everyone has them."

In the weeks after my first child was born, when I was exhausted, sleep deprived and in the grips of baby blues, I had thoughts of throwing my screaming baby out the window. Those thoughts terrified me. Tearfully, I confessed my horrible thoughts to my mother who shrugged and said, "We all think something like that at some time. You didn't act on it, did you?" She assured me I wasn't crazy. I could relax.

My patients are sometimes surprised when I suggest they allow themselves to imagine doing something outrageous like throwing a banana cream pie at their nasty boss's puss. Unleashing our creative minds may be just what we need to de-stress.

4) Recognize false alarms.

"Many thoughts and sensations that we interpret as cues for concern-even panic-are just background noise. Think of each of them [rapid heart beat, tensing of muscles] as a fire engine going to another place."

5) Turn your anxiety into a movie.

"..imagine that your anxious thoughts are a show while you sit in the audience, eating popcorn, a calm observer."

This is a good way to exercise 'detachment,' stepping outside of the anxiety just enough to keep your thinking brain working. Another technique I suggest is to imagine the worry happening to a friend, not you. Then imagine talking to your friend. What would you say to them? How can you be supportive?

6) Set aside worry time.

"Try setting aside 20 minutes everyday-let's say 4:30 PM-just for your worries. If you are fretting at 10 AM, jot down the reason and resolve to think about it later. By the time 4:30 comes around, many of your troubles won't even matter anymore."

7) Take your hand off the horn.

"When you desperately try to take command of things that can't be controlled, you're more like the swimmer who panics and slaps the water screaming Instead, imagine that you are floating along on the water with your arms spread outIt's a paradox, but when you surrender to the moment, you actually feel far more in control."

Breathe it out.

"Focusing on breathing is a common but effective technique for calming the nerves."

This a classic, oldy, but goody. If you do it right, deep, mindful breathing is better than Valium.

9) Make peace with time.

"Every feeling of panic comes to an end, every concern eventually wears itself out, every so-called emergency seems to evaporate."

When we are in the midst of a panic attack we feel it will last forever or else we will die. Remembering the fact that panic attacks and anxiety in milder form is finite, usually not lasting more than ten minutes. Dr. Leahy also counsels:

"Ask yourself, 'How will I feel about this in a week or a month?' This one, too, really will pass."

10) Don't let your worries stop you from living your life.

"What can you still do even if you feel anxious? Almost anything."

Not all anxiety is bad. Keep in mind that some highly productive people transform their anxiety into motivation to do better and achieve much, both great and small. - 30309

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Signs Of Cheating Spouse: How To Deal With It

By Benedict Perez

The relationships and contacts that he or she is facing everyday with other people are sometimes major threats to your marriage. If it feels like infidelity, adultery, or cheating to you, then it is. But this is just a small percentage of the many signs of infidelity that he or she is doing right now. Cheating and infidelity are a betrayal of the expectations you have of your partner as stated in an article.

There are many signs of cheating spouse. But frankly it is difficult to define and qualify the word cheating because people have different opinions about the subject. Some people might consider a particular behaviour inappropriate while some think it is appropriate. So in assessing the validity of cheating, we try to find some signs to know if your partner is cheating on you.

When you feel that way then it might be a sign that he or she is cheating on you. When your expectation was not met then the emotional outcome would be a feeling of betrayal. This feeling will tend to trigger a lot of insecurity and distrust. It will create a major impact on the kind of treatment that both of you will assume should this kind of behavior surfaces. It is one of the signs of cheating spouse if you feel that your trust were not meet or have been sullied.

The signs are just ideas that you have to validate first. Then there are other signs of cheating spouse such as flirtations on the opposite sex, sharing of personal feelings and informations other than the spouse, having sexual contacts with someone other than your partner, and the regular work habits has changed dramatically. These signs of cheating spouse are only a few but if you would quantify these things, they are more than the ones mentioned above. These signs are the most common ones though.

Just be cautious with all of your decisions so as not to perplex signs with proof. The internet provides anyone who is in need of particular solution, if not totally a perfect one, but a better way to guide you in dealing with this kind of situation. The website serves as your shelter and protection as you are given practical, simple, and very impartial advises as to coping and dealing with marital problems. All these signs of cheating spouse are there but you should always pay attention to these signs and the instincts. - 30309

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How To Find The Ideal Treatment For Anxiety Attacks

By Abby Miller

Panic attacks are quite frightening to contend with. Someone undergoing a panic attack might feel like they are dying or even having a heart attack. Why does a panic attack make a person believe they are having a heart attack? The person's chest will tighten and their heart will pound wildly.

. It doesn't matter what the reason is; they only know that they must go to the restroom. Some people suffer from tightened muscles to the point of cramping up. Some people will sweat copiously or be short of breath. Some people may even suffer from most or all of these symptoms.

Why People Do Not Find the Best Treatment for Anxiety Attacks

A lot of times people suffering from panic attacks will look for assistance. Those who do not seek help normally do so because they worry they might be losing it and don't want to tell others. Without help the problem will continue to get worse. Someone who sufferers from panic attacks and does not get help might be unable to function normally.

Picking a god list of the best treatments

Since no one person is the same, narrowing down the best treatment for panic attacks is going to change from one person to the next. But there are a lot of treatments available that have worked for thousands of people suffering from panic attacks. Which are the best options for people suffering from panic attacks?

Treatment 1 - Meet With A Therapist

The best treatment for panic attacks is to speak with a therapist about them. Therapy tries to discover the root causes behind panic attacks and cut the condition off at the source. One method is to examine your childhood to find the reason behind the panic attacks. When you have found the root cause behind the panic attacks you and your therapist can then work on fixing it. What makes this the best way of dealing with panic attacks? By identifying the underlining course the issue itself will be less scary and it is possible to end the fear behind them.

Treatment 2 - Techniques for Relaxation

Learning relaxation techniques can help to lessen the strength of panic attacks. Why is this a good idea? It's considered best because the person has learned to relax and stay calm before an attack strikes him or her. What does it mean by relaxation? In a sense relaxation means that a person learns to breathe properly in order to maintain a heartbeat, this focuses their attention on their breathing and helps them remain calm. - 30309

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3 Vital Ways For Treatment For Anxiety Attacks That Happen While Sleeping

By Pat McClarens

As most people know the day is when most people have panic attacks. Yet, you can still suffer from panic attacks while you sleep. There are ways to deal with nighttime panic attacks. What is the deal with panic attacks while you are sleeping?

Someone having a panic attack while they sleep will wake up in the middle of regular panic attack symptoms or when they awake in the morning. There is no rhyme or reason why; he or she will just wake up panicking. They may have chest pains, feel dizzy or be lightheaded. They can also have breathing difficulty and a rapid heartbeat. Waking up during a panic attack is its own special nightmare and sufferers can feel like they are losing control, or even dying. It is a very terrifying experience to wake up like this.

What Causes Nighttime Panic Attacks

What do you do to stop nighttime panic attacks? Actually, it isn't that much different than treating them when a person is awake and having panic attacks. The problem with overnight panic attacks is that a person cannot easily identify the stressor that is causing the problem as they can during the daytime hours. Nighttime attacks are often brought on by things that are causing sufferers stress in the daytime like a loss in the family, injuries and accidents as well as problems at work. Whether the panic attack happens at night to during the day the best thing to do is remain calm.

A How to List For Night Time Panic Attacks - Three Great Methods for Dealing With Nighttime Attacks

Treatment 1 - Self Massages

Giving yourself a massage is actually a great treatment for night time panic attacks. It is also a good idea to have a massage first thing in the morning. When a person has a massage, their body becomes further relaxed, which allows them to handle stress that creeps up into their sleep whether it's through dreams or their subconscious.

Treatment 2 - Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing relaxation techniques are also a good way of helping someone with nighttime panic attacks. By learning to breath correctly a person utilizes the diaphragm more than their chest. Breathing correctly means that you suck in air deeply and breathe it out the same way. Doing this helps a person focus on their breathing rather than their panic. This treatment for panic attacks when sleeping, when done right before bedtime, allows them to stay relaxed throughout the nighttime hours.

Treatment 3 - Meditation and/or Prayer

The third way to treat panic attacks at night is to meditate before going to sleep. Why does this help? This makes you more relaxed and also puts you in a positive frame of mind before getting into the bed. - 30309

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Several Ways To Halt Anxiety Attacks: 4 Methods

By Abby Miller

It is fairly common for those suffering from high anxiety to start having panic attacks. Unresolved past conflict is the biggest cause of panic attacks. Another main cause of panic attacks are stressors that a sufferer is unable to deal with. They are unable to cope because they don't have the skills necessary and know how to stop panic attacks.

There are many methods to deal with panic attacks. You have to learn the methods before you can deal with panic attacks. You cannot get your life back on track until you learn how to deal with panic attacks. So how do you start living again?

Stopping panic Attacks: Four Great Ways

Chances are that anyone who has bad panic attacks wants to know how to stop them. Actually, there are four ways you can do this.

Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 1 - Counseling

The first thing you should do if you are suffering from panic attacks is consult a therapist. When you get professional help, your therapist is going to ask you all kinds of questions to determine what the underlying cause for your panic attacks. What could a therapist examine to find a root cause for panic attacks?

Initially they will look for a fear or phobia stemming from your childhood. For instance, you have a fear of enclosed spaces. Your therapist asks you about specifics in your life, good and bad. This kind of questioning can lead to uncovering such phobias. That kind of memory could led to panic attacks when the person is trapped or even goes in small places like elevators.

Secondly you could find that panic attacks are being caused by stressful situations like a bad boss or work project.

Before you can deal with panic attacks the root cause for them must be found and acknowledged.

Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 2 - Finding Ways To Cope

After a while a therapist ill suggest treatments for dealing with panic attacks in your daily life. Breathing deeply may be one of the best suggestions a therapist may suggest. When you breathe deep, your body begins to feel relaxed which allows the oxygen to flow through your body and mind. By getting the oxygen you need you will have a steady heart beat and feel more calm, thus making panic attacks less likely.

Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 3 - Grounding The Attack

Along with the other two ways to stop an attack, consider grounding it. How do you do this? You can drink cold water or get a hold of an ice cube.

Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 4 - Focus On Objects

Try to name everything around you whole staying calm is a good way of dealing with an ongoing panic attack. Changing the things you are focusing on this way will help stop a panic attack. - 30309

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Men On Tricyclic Antidepressant More Likely To Think Of Suicide

By Carlo Mueres

All antidepressants may not be created equal when it comes to worsening of suicidal ideation during treatment, researchers found.

Men taking nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor) were 2.4 times more likely to have an increase in suicidal thoughts than were those taking escitalopram (Lexapro), Nader Perroud, MD, of King's College London, and colleagues reported online in BMC Medicine.

Nortriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant, was also associated with a 9.8-fold higher risk of new onset of suicidal ideation compared with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) in the prospective open-label trial.

The reason behind the difference may be that nortriptyline acts predominantly on the noradrenergic system, which, when overactive, is associated with anxiety and agitation.

Because "suicidal ideation is more common in agitated and irritable types of depression," the researchers said, "it is possible that nortriptyline may induce or worsen suicidal thoughts in some male subjects possibly through an induction of this more agitated type of depression."

Another possibility is that nortriptyline is less effective against mood symptoms, they noted.

All antidepressants now carry black box warnings of suicidality risk, particularly in children and young adults, and especially early in treatment, but whether this risk differs between agents or by gender has been debated.

Prior studies have looked only at emergence of suicidal thoughts in patients who reported none initially, which "highlights the relatively rare cases with de novo treatment-emergent suicidal ideation," Perroud's group said, but could be "'throwing the baby out with the bath water' through removing a large proportion of patients at risk."

So they analyzed findings from the Genome-Based Therapeutic Drugs for Depression (GENDEP) trial, "the largest comparative study of an SSRI and tricyclic antidepressant," to look at both issues.

The multicenter study included 811 adults with moderate to severe unipolar depression allocated to open-label, flexible dose escitalopram or nortriptyline for 12 weeks. Among them, 473 reported suicidal ideation at baseline.

Overall, suicidal ideation dropped significantly over time in both treatment groups (P less than 0.0001).

And although nortriptyline was associated with higher mean suicidal scores than escitalopram throughout treatment (P less than 0.0001), the difference disappeared after adjusting for baseline scores (P=0.449).

Increases in suicidal ideation - defined as 0.5 standard deviation or greater score increase - were seen at some point in 31.9% of patients.

Treatment group did not appear to have an impact on suicidal ideation changes during therapy in the overall cohort, but it did make a difference in men.

Among men, the overall rate of increase in suicidal thoughts was 35.29% with nortriptyline compared with 23.7% with escitalopram. Even after adjustment for depression severity at baseline and during the study, the effect remained significant. - 30309

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Depressed? Have You Tried A Good Natural Depression Cure?

By Susan Clooney

Do you suffer from depression? Has your life been forever changed by something you'd never really thought about before, like getting depression. For so many people this is their story, however so many are also not aware that there are some simple natural depression cures that can be very effective.

So many people assume that depression is a medical or psychiatric condition that can only be cured by the health professionals. So they end up on a merry go round of pharmaceuticals supposed to treat depression, but which are sometimes as bad as the disease.

Is you life like this? Have you ended up on one drug after another? Do you suffer from insomnia? Have you put on weight? Do you find that one drug just seems to lead to another to combat the effects of the first drug? That some of these drugs are addictive?

Do you wish you didn't feel medicated any more? That the cure is worse than the cause? That your life has been taken over by drugs?

That's not uncommon. A diagnosis of depression can be a slippery slope to drugs. But often that isn't necessary, there are some simple natural depression cures that can have a significant impact on the condition without making you feel drugged out.

And this doesn't even mention the cost of all those drugs. The cost can add up to the point where, for some, bankruptcy is the only option. Would you like to reduce those constant bills?

There are some simple natural depression cures that can cost way less than those drugs, often nothing. They are not addictive. I'll give you 2 quick examples out of many.

Example number 1. Many studies, beginning at the end of last century, have confirmed a link between eating more fish and much lower rates of depression. They have shown a negative correlation between eating seafood and depression, as the findings are that societies that eat more fish have lower rates of depression. The reason is the Omega 3 fats in fish. This is still being studied.

Number 2. There is a strong link between increasing exercise and lowering depression. There are chemical and psychological reasons why this is so, but it works.

Now there are many different causes of depression and there are also a wide range of cures, and there's no guarantee that if you eat more fish and do more exercise your depression will be cured. But there are also a wide range of different natural depression cures and some of them may well work for you.

And of course as they are cheap or often free you'll save big time.

You owe it to yourself to try some simple natural depression cures. You can integrate them with your mainstream medical treatments with your doctors advice. Some of them are even good for many other areas of your health as well as your depression. So you can only get healthier, and this alone may be enough to improve your condition.

So if drugs aren't working for you and you feel drugged out and broke, see if you too can benefit from some simple natural depression cures.

Visit my website to get my book of natural depression cures. You've got nothing to lose but your depression. - 30309

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Depression Treatment

By Carlo Mueres

New research clarifies how neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, are regulated - a finding that may help fine-tune therapies for depression.

Current drugs for depression target the regulatory process for neurotransmitters, and while effective in some cases, do not appear to work in other cases.

Recent findings suggest that synucleins, a family of small proteins in the brain, are key players in the management of neurotransmitters - specifically, alpha- and gamma-synuclein. Additionally, researchers have found elevated levels of gamma-synuclein in the brains of both depressed animals and humans.

In a study presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Georgetown University Medical Center researchers observed increased depressive-like behavior in mice where gamma-synuclein acts alone to regulate neurotransmitters, confirming earlier studies by this group.

"These findings show the importance of, and clarify a functional role for, gamma synuclein in depression and may provide new therapeutic targets in treatment of this disease," says Adam Oaks, a student researcher in the Laboratory of Molecular Neurochemistry at GUMC. "Understanding how current therapies work with the synucleins is important because the drugs don't work for all patients, and some are associated with side effects including an increased risk of suicide."

The study was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health. A provision patent application has been filed by Georgetown University related to the technology described in this paper, on which Anita Sidhu, one of the authors, is an inventor.

However, some symptoms of depression, such as sleep and appetite disturbances, significant concentration problems, and chronic fatigue, interfere with your ability to make the life changes necessary to eliminate the depression. In more serious depression, suicidal thoughts and urges, and preoccupation with death, may require medication in addition to psychotherapy. Antidepressant medication can help relieve those symptoms, and allow you to make needed life changes. The decision to take medication, in addition to participating in psychological treatment, should be discussed with your treating psychologist and your primary care physician. - 30309

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END Panic And Anxiety Attacks NOW! Is There Really A Panic Disorder Treatment That Works?

By Jeff Hope

If you suffer from anxiety or panic disorder then you've lost far to many days to grips of panic attack. Without warning a panic attack can strike at any time or place. You don't even have to be in a dangerous environment for a panic attack to strike. In this article I'd like to make sure you understand common symptoms of anxiety attacks and effective panic disorder treatment.

Have you ever been so afraid of having an anxiety attack that you trigger an panic attack? Sometimes the fear of having a panic attack is as bad as the panic attack itself. One common scenario is a social event that you've been looking forward to going. Only thing is that as the event approaches your anxiety goes through the roof!

Our confusing and conflicting emotions can play havoc on our nerves. That hot date has finally called us and the day is here. You've been looking forward to this social event for a while with some apprehension and worry of impending panic attacks.

It's happened before, it's time to leave and you can't step through that door. Panic and fear have gripped you and won't let you leave. You end up embarrassed and call with some lame excuse as to why you couldn't make it. Now you've missed the event and suffered yet another panic attack.

The symptoms of a panic attack vary from person to person but everyone who suffers from panic disorder can agree that it's a terrifying experience. Symptoms include; rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, feeling of impending doom, terror, fatigue, insomnia, shortness of breath, feeling faint, and on and on.

So is there an effective panic disorder treatment? The answer is a resounding YES! The effective options for panic disorder treatment are; drug therapy, psychotherapy, and self help programs. Each has distinct pros and cons with self help programs being one of the top choices.

Drug therapy has the advantage of relatively quick relief if you find the drug that interacts well with your body chemistry. Finding the right drug can be a time consuming and expensive challenge. Side effects from these drugs can often times be nearly as debilitating as the panic attacks they purport to treat. Also, cost can become astronomical as you're signing on to take the drug for the rest of your life.

Psychotherapy can be expensive but can be effective in treating panic disorder if you happen to find a therapist that you can connect with. Finding a therapist that you can trust and relate to can be time consuming and costly. A good psychotherapist can run from $100 to over $300 per hour (session). Group therapy is a more cost effective option if you don't mind airing your dirty laundry publicly.

The final and extremely effective panic disorder treatment is self help programs. Don't worry, with self help programs there's no group therapy sessions to add unnecessary anxiety to your life. With a little dedication and determination you can work through effective treatment programs in the comfort and security of your own home. Effective programs follow the exact same treatment procedures as you would follow in a psychotherapy session. - 30309

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Do You Have A Fear Of Drinking?

By Trevor Johnson

Beating your fear of drinking can be accomplished and you don't need medicines to do it. Instead you will learn a way that can have you reprogram or redirect that way your mind tends to react. Once you've learned these methods you will no longer be faced with the fear of this problem.

Though technically it can't really be called a cure or treatment, since you just changing your reaction to the event. You will be able to set your mind on almost an automatic way to react, one that isn't of fear but of something else instead. These steps that you learn will even assist you in building confidence in life.

Helping you to not only get over your fear of drinking, but also help with other things in life. Things like anxiety, sadness, anger, guilt, and hurt. This fear that you are feeling could have come from something that happened in your past.

A natural reaction to that fear is going to be negative thoughts and feelings. Some people will run a greater risk in life to living with fear in many facets of their life. People who are apt to anxiety attacks or even those who are high strung and seem to over react to many things, and people who have adrenal deficiencies.

Getting past your fear is all about wanting to do actually it this time. So if you're tired of feeling sick and nauseated or your chest feeling tight, get past your fear once and for all.

No medicine has ever been found to help with this type of fear, so you shouldn't use them either. All a medicine will accomplish is the masking of what you're going through. It will not work for a permanent cure or fix to the fear that you're feeling. Seek out the help that will have that fear gone for good. - 30309

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The Psychology Of The Parents Of Balloon Boy

By Carlo Mueres

This past week we saw the news media captivated by the idea that a 6-year-old boy, Falcon Heene had been carried off by a weather balloon. That is until the boy was later found in his own garage attic and shortly thereafter it was revealed on a television news show that the entire incident was likely a hoax. In replying to a reporter's question, the young Falcon turned to his dad on camera and said, "You guys said that, umm, we did this for the show." Oops.

The parents - Richard Heene and Mayumi Heene - have all along claimed it was not a hoax or a publicity stunt. Now, according to The New York Times, the parents will voluntarily surrender to police as soon as charges are filed, which is expected to happen on Wednesday.

While the truth continues to unfold, the police in the investigation have concluded it was likely indeed a publicity stunt: "We have evidence to indicate it was a publicity stunt done with the hope of marketing themselves to a reality-television show sometime in the future," said Larimer County sheriff Jim Alderden on Sunday afternoon at a news conference in Fort Collins, Colorado.

So that leaves us with the inevitable question - what could possibly psychologically motivate parents to use their child's very life in order to further themselves?

We see clues to the answer in some other information that's trickling out about the parents. ABC News noted that former business partner Barbara Slusser - who chased hurricanes and other storms with the Heenes - that they parted ways when Slusser felt that the Heenes often put their kids in harm's way. Slusser told ABC News, "The last straw for us was when Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Ike were heading toward the Texas coastline and Heene wanted to go back there and take the kids."

So we seem to have a set of parents who already don't quite understand the idea of how to raise children in a safe, responsible and thoughtful manner, thinking nothing of storm-chasing hurricanes and tornadoes with their young children in tow. Storm-chasing, of course, can be a very dangerous and unpredictable endeavor. One of the reasons adults do it is for the thrill of the unpredictability of the storm - putting oneself in harm's way to experience a ferocious component of nature. But your children? They aren't old enough to make such decisions for themselves - they trust their parents' good judgment and experience.

But an account on Gawker by someone who worked with Richard Heene sheds even more light on the Heenes' motivation - money and additional fame. This was a family that had been on the television program, Wife Swap, and they had already tasted celebrity. They wanted more of it. - 30309

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The Root Cause as a Treatment for Anxiety - A Product Testimonial

By Patty Tudor

the root cause testimonial

The eBook, The Root Cause, detailed a lifestyle technique that helped eliminate my OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It helped me do this by teaching me how to find the "Root Cause" behind my OCD. The method concentrates on OCD but I think the method would be helpful to anyone suffering from any anxiety disorder or stress related issue.

In the end my OCD had led to many other anxiety issues including panic attacks. Everything offered me by the medical community was designed to treat the symptoms but not eliminate the disorder.

The Root Cause, on the other hand, helped rid me of the disorder entirely and let me get back to a normal life.

The eBook gave me a lot of information about OCD and other anxiety disorders as well as telling me the best methods for dealing with them. I decided to give it a try because the testimonials on the website showed it to be well tested and proven. The Root cause honestly reduced my symptoms and eventually, through the variety of information and resources it provided, cure my OCD.

Pros of The Root Cause

By downloading The Root Cause as an eBook I was able to own and continually re-address areas of The Root Cause technique at my leisure.

The number of conditions that this eBook can be used for is amazing.

People who have been suffering for years as well as people who have only just developed the condition.

Possible Negative Aspects of The Root Cause

Not everyone likes to work through things by themselves and some might want a more hands on approach.

My Conclusion

The Root Cause has Helped a variety of people overcome a variety of conditions as well as myself. The Root Cause addressed the continuing cycle present in all anxiety disorders by finding a 'root cause' for behind them and in the end completely ended my struggle with the condition.

A Natural method of dealing with anxiety, the Root Cause, is based on personnel experience with an anxiety disorder and impressed me no end with its results. The Root Cause is also side effect free, which for someone like me who was worried about medication made it the perfect choice. - 30309

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Things That Result In Fear: 5 Everyday Incidents That Result In Panic & Anxiety

By Marcia Francous

What causes fear? Why does fear seem to cause some people to react irrationally while others go on without too many issues? What causes fear to paralyze a person from living their lives? Fear can block out the world for some people and cause more problems. What problems? Among other things fear can cause Panic Attacks and anxiety disorders. At that point it is important for someone to gain treatment from a therapist in order to cure themselves.

If regular therapy does not seem to help a person suffering from fear then a therapist might prescribe medication to supplement the treatment into what causes fear. However, any prescribed medication should be taken for a short amount of time; at least until a person can deal with the problems that causes them fear and grief. The result, of course, is that people suffering form anxiety and panic attacks will combine medication with various other techniques in the hop they can eventually get off the medication.

What Causes Fear - Five Main Causes of Fear

Fear 1 - Social Situations

Many people have a problem dealing with social situations. For one thing they may not enjoy being around other people. Some people try to keep people away, both physically and emotionally, due to childhood social memories or even later trauma that effected their belief in others.

Fear 2 - Social Settings of Various Type

Sometimes the fear could be around a particular situation or setting. For instance, a person may not be able to speak or perform in front of a large group. This fear of public speaking usually comes from a bad experience.

Fear 3 - Closeness to Certain Animals

Animals are a major factor behind what causes fear for some folks. For example a man might not like being near dogs because he was bitten as a child. Of course some people are afraid of dogs because they do not have much experience with them.

Fear 4 - Insects like Arachnids

There are many other things people are afraid of then mammals. Many people are afraid of creatures that are a lot smaller and have a lot more legs. The spider is actually the most often feared creature with more than two legs. Spiders tend to show up where you least expect them. Another insect that causes irrational fear is the fear of cockroaches. These bugs, like spiders, can fit into small areas and surprise a person.

Fear 5 - Being in an Enclosed Environment

Many people fear being in enclosed spaces. What causes fear such as this? This is usually due to an experience of being closed in an area for a significant length of time such as staying in a tornado shelter or closet during a tornado warning. Childhood punishments, like being locked in small closets and pantry's can often lead to a fear of enclosed spaces. A fear of enclosed spaces has also been caused by getting trapped in an elevator when the power fails for a long time.

We can see very clearly that fear is caused by a lot of reasons and while many people share the same causes, there are a great many people suffering the same symptoms for different causes. While such debilitating fear can affect a person everyday life, with time and help, it is possible to overcome what causes fear and panic. - 30309

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Web Surf Saves Your Aging Brain

By Carlo Mueres

Surfing the Internet just might be a way to preserve your mental skills as you age.

Researchers found that older adults who started browsing the Web experienced improved brain function after only a few days.

"You can teach an old brain new technology tricks," said Dr. Gary Small, a psychiatry professor at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the author of iBrain. With people who had little Internet experience, "we found that after just a week of practice, there was a much greater extent of activity particularly in the areas of the brain that make decisions, the thinking brain - which makes sense because, when you're searching online, you're making a lot of decisions," he said. "It's interactive."

Small is co-author of the research, which was scheduled to be presented Monday in Chicago at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting.

"This makes intuitive sense, that getting on the Internet and exploring and getting new information and learning would help," said Paul Sanberg, director of the University of South Florida Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair in Tampa. "It supports the value of exploring the Internet for the elderly."

Most experts now advocate a "use-it-or-lose-it" approach to mental functioning.

"We found a number of years ago that people who engaged in cognitive activities had better functioning and perspective than those who did not," said Dr. Richard Lipton, a professor of neurology and epidemiology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City and director of the Einstein Aging Study. "Our study is often referenced as the crossword-puzzle study - that doing puzzles, writing for pleasure, playing chess and engaging in a broader array of cognitive activities seem to protect against age-related decline in cognitive function and also dementia."

The new study takes the use-it-or-lose-it concept into the 21st century.

For the research, 24 neurologically normal adults, aged 55 to 78, were asked to surf the Internet while hooked up to an MRI machine. Before the study began, half the participants had used the Internet daily, and the other half had little experience with it.

After an initial MRI scan, the participants were instructed to do Internet searches for an hour on each of seven days in the next two weeks. They then returned to the clinic for more brain scans.

"At baseline, those with prior Internet experience showed a much greater extent of brain activation," Small said.

After at-home practice, however, those who had just been introduced to the Internet were catching up to those who were old hands, the study found.

"This is a demonstration that, over a relatively short period of time, patterns of brain activation while engaging in cognitive activities change," Lipton said. "That is at least a first step toward gaining insight into the mechanisms that might allow cognitive engagement to influence brain function."

But, Small said, beware how you use the Internet.

"You can exercise your mind by using the Internet, but it depends on how it's used," he explained. "If you get hooked on gambling or eBay shopping, that may not be positive. - 30309

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Anyone Can Have A Fear Of Accidents

By Trevor Johnson

Many people have many different sorts of fears. There is the fear of heights and the fear of spiders, to mention just two common phobias that people experience. Another type of fear that people have is the fear of accidents. This is just as it says. A person actually fears having an accident. What sort of accident?

With people who have the fear of accidents don't just have a fear of one type of accident. For some they have fear of car accidents. For others, they fear so much more. If it involves getting hurt whether it's one or the other who gets hurt.

Getting your mind to to believe something else normally helps as well. There is something in your head telling you that if you do this then this will happen. One way you can go about making sure that you stay calm when you know an accident can happen is by telling yourself that everything will be all right.

The degree at which the fear of accidents is depends on what sort of things they have seen. It also depends on how bad of an accident they think they can have. For some people, it's so bad that they can't even drive because they are afraid of getting in a car accident.

Sometimes, the fear of accidents is so strong that you find that you don't even know how to help yourself. The articles like this one that you read can give you so many tips, but they can't cure you. If you find that you are at this stage of the fear, then you need to seek the help of a counselor.

It leads them to giving up parts of their lives that one shouldn't miss out on. If you think you have this condition, please talk to someone if it has gotten this bad. You'll be glad that you've finally taken this small step to overcome your phobia. - 30309

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