When people have social anxiety disorder or social phobia everyday situations can become very overwhelming. These feelings of anxiety can become intense and can vary from person to person.
Different people fear different types of situations, just because they both have anxiety disorders it doesn't mean that 2 people will both find the same situations cause them to suffer anxiety. People that have social anxiety disorders may have some of these symptoms while they are in certain social situations.
People with social anxiety fear that they will make mistakes that everyone will notice, they fear that they are always going to be judged by others, they have the fear of being embarrassed or humiliated by themselves in front of others, they think that everyone's attention is on them, and they think that other people are more capable of doing something in the same situation.
If you are in a situation that could possibly cause minor worry in most of us, such as a crowd of people suddenly appearing and people coming in a bit close. Someone with social anxiety could well go into a full on anxiety attack, couple that with the fear that someone will notice their anxiety and it all compounds into a very frightening anxiety attack.
Social anxiety disorders can affect your career as well as your social life, if you get nervous and anxious every time you are talking to your boss it will affect your career prospects. Some people will find that their anxiety disorder doesn't bother them at work but only when they are out in a social situation.
When you go to pull a plaster off , the time you spend thinking about how much it will hurt seems to make you more anxious than the actual removal of the plaster itself. That is just how it feels when a social anxiety sufferer knows they will have to use a public rest room or public telephone.
Many more women than men suffer with social anxiety disorder, possibly because they feel extra pressure to be perfect in social situations, but no one seems to really know. It is not uncommon for people to have social anxieties, there are certainly hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who suffer with it to various degrees in America alone.
If you have any form of anxiety it is very easy to have your life taken over by it. Our social interactions are what help us to find a partner, friends and the relationships formed outside of the home make up a big part of peoples happiness. - 30309
Different people fear different types of situations, just because they both have anxiety disorders it doesn't mean that 2 people will both find the same situations cause them to suffer anxiety. People that have social anxiety disorders may have some of these symptoms while they are in certain social situations.
People with social anxiety fear that they will make mistakes that everyone will notice, they fear that they are always going to be judged by others, they have the fear of being embarrassed or humiliated by themselves in front of others, they think that everyone's attention is on them, and they think that other people are more capable of doing something in the same situation.
If you are in a situation that could possibly cause minor worry in most of us, such as a crowd of people suddenly appearing and people coming in a bit close. Someone with social anxiety could well go into a full on anxiety attack, couple that with the fear that someone will notice their anxiety and it all compounds into a very frightening anxiety attack.
Social anxiety disorders can affect your career as well as your social life, if you get nervous and anxious every time you are talking to your boss it will affect your career prospects. Some people will find that their anxiety disorder doesn't bother them at work but only when they are out in a social situation.
When you go to pull a plaster off , the time you spend thinking about how much it will hurt seems to make you more anxious than the actual removal of the plaster itself. That is just how it feels when a social anxiety sufferer knows they will have to use a public rest room or public telephone.
Many more women than men suffer with social anxiety disorder, possibly because they feel extra pressure to be perfect in social situations, but no one seems to really know. It is not uncommon for people to have social anxieties, there are certainly hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who suffer with it to various degrees in America alone.
If you have any form of anxiety it is very easy to have your life taken over by it. Our social interactions are what help us to find a partner, friends and the relationships formed outside of the home make up a big part of peoples happiness. - 30309
About the Author:
Understanding anxiety is something every person who has anxiety strives for. Many people with anxiety feel no one understands, anxiety can make your life miserable, but you can beat it.