Breathing As A Way Of Reducing Stress

By Gabriel Lozen

Stress is a normal part of our daily lives. Everyone wishes to be stress free but no one can avoid it. Fortunately, it can be reduced by simple technique of breathing. There are many proven ways to reduce stress but this article will mainly focus on breathing technique. Many people are not aware that breathing can help in calming a person thus reducing stress.

There are two type of stress according to the experts in this field of study. The first is eustress which is a positive stress and the other one is distress, a negative stress. It is very common for many people to simply say stress, which actually means distress. The question is who wants distress? Probably there is no one who wants it.

Experts say that breathing has a direct relationship towards a person's emotional state. A person who is able to control his breathing can control his emotional state. There are two types of breathing:

1. Abdominal breathing - this means a person is breathing from his abdomen. 2. Intercostal breathing - this means a person is breathing from his chest.

A newborn baby is said to be breathing from his belly at the very first seconds of life. Unconsciously, at the early childhood humans switch from abdominal breathing to intercostals breathing. It can be said that humans switch from a stress-free mode of breathing to a stressed mode. Relying on to this fact, it can be concluded that abdominal breathing is the relaxation breathing and intercostals breathing is the opposite.

Going back to reducing stress and knowing the two types of breathing, a person must learn how to get back on abdominal breathing. Mastering this type of breathing will enable a person to relax, which is the start of stress reduction. Actually, abdominal breathing is used by yoga practitioners for relaxation.

To start breathing using the abdomen a person must try to breathe slowly. He must be able to control his air intake using his abdominal muscles and not the chest. Slow and deep breathing using the abdomen can increase the flow of oxygen in the body promoting a calming effect. The extra oxygen in the blood helps release endorphins which are naturally occurring hormones that promote relaxation and re-energizes the body.

Doing this can be difficult at first but with constant practice a person will learn it in no time. Learning how to relax and control stress is very important. Uncontrolled stress may lead to more serious emotional and mental disorders and must be dealt with immediately. - 30309

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Discover The Biggest Mistakes While Overcoming Driving Phobia

By Cecil Kelly

The fastest way to eliminate driving phobia is to face your fear of driving. Follow this advice but with caution. Avoid the mistakes that many people commit in their enthusiasm. If you meet up with another frightful incident, that could well be the last time you muster up enough courage to drive.

First Mistake: Testing Yourself Instead of Practicing: If you test your driving on freeways, fast lanes or bridges ahead of your practice schedule, you could be making a big mistake. Avoid it. Practice will eventually take you to your final destination in a safe manner.

Testing could be counterproductive because it causes stress and anxiety. Chances of failure are high and that will only make your driving phobia worse. Practice your way up to avoid any chance of failure.

Second Mistake: Practicing in the Traffic: Driving through traffic is never easy for anyone. Stress and frustration while driving in traffic is normal for anybody, leave alone driving phobics. Of course you will eventually need to do it, but not early into practice.

Always practice when there is nobody on the road. Find out a good place and a good time when there are least number of motorists on the road. Practice early morning or late evening if you live in an area where the flow of traffic is constant throughout the day.

Third Mistake: Not Relaxing Your Body: Not letting go of tension and strain from your body is a mistake because only a relaxed body can lead to a relaxed mind. Whenever you notice some driving anxiety building up, relax your body one part at a time.

Relaxation techniques are to be applied preventatively. Do not wait until it is too late. Relax at every traffic signal and even as you drive to avoid a panic or anxiety attack. Practice relaxation techniques often even at home to gain expertise over them for quick results.

If you avoid these mistakes there is no reason why you shouldn't drive away to freedom from fear and anxiety. Take it in sessions and pat yourself after each one. This will reprogram your subconscious mind and make you feel peaceful and happy about driving. - 30309

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The Finer Points Of Emetophobia (the Fear Of Becoming Ill)

By Trevor Johnson

Should you ever come across a comprehensive listing of all of our various human phobias and fears, you might likely come across emetophobia. This is better known to most as a fear of becoming ill. While this might describe all of us in part, since no one wants to become sick. However, for those who have this phobia, it might be very difficult to function normally.

Having this phobia alone causes the sufferer to spend much of their time anxious and tense, which can in many cases cause them to feel ill. This only serves to make matters worse. Truth be told, this goes much farther than just not wanting to get sick. It really stems into how the sufferer feels when he/she is sick.

There is likely nothing worse to the sufferer of a condition such as this than vomiting. The anxiety is really allowed to thrive based on the fear of the act of vomiting. This idea keeps them from functioning normally if they believe they will get sick or are sick. Even to the point of being in a vehicle, because their act of vomiting could distract the driver and cause and accident.

Most often this fear is generated from a very traumatic event in someone's life that focused on them being sick. An origin could even be someone else having been sick that the sufferer remembers as a terrifying experience.

To seek out treatment for this condition is typically to see a psychiatrist. Most often, they will attempt to have the sufferer confront the fear head on and make peace with the event. This seems to work for many people that have suffered the phobia, although some fears run much more deeply than this.

I hope that you were able to learn a little more about emetophobia through this article. A fear of becoming ill is something that perhaps not a lot of folks have to deal with, but if you know someone who does, hopefully you understand the condition a little better. - 30309

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Panic Attack Symptoms: Some Great Advice

By Jacelyn Weiner

According to experts panic attack symptoms are the result of a natural human adrenalin rush. The most common symptom observed is physical in nature. However, in extreme cases the sufferer my experience pain in the chest area similar to a heart attack. This often results in an ambulance trip to the emergency room. This panic situation can cause an amplification of symptoms.

The more fearful and anxious a person, the more adrenalin is released which in turn heighten symptoms. An ability to better identify panic attack symptoms the better our ability to properly manage and treat the patient.

The exhibition of panic attack symptoms include the following symbols: Heart rate increases, fast breathing, headache, back pain, palpitation or chest pain, shakiness and numbness or tingling in fingers or toes. It causes sweating, mouth dryness, obstacle in throat which causes inconvenience to swallow and dizziness, which is caused by abnormal fast or slow respiration. The person may also get affected by nausea, stomach pain or stomach upset and hot or cold reflection.

A few of the panic attack symptoms that are visible, which might be less common might contain negative thoughts, which might be troubling, quick sequencing of thoughts, unreal feelings, or detaching from surroundings, or in certain cases the urge of dying. Such warning signs can appear very fast and characteristically arrive at a climax within ten minutes after a panic trigger. Almost all panic attacks end within twenty to thirty minutes and barely get to an hour.

Persons suffering from a panic attack need complete attention and understanding from people around them especially from family and friends, while it is true that panic attacks are not life threatening. Where there could be no help available for them, people who suffer from panic attack would normally avoid places where it would be embarrassing to have a panic episode or situations. Situations wherein they would feel inescapable danger trigger a panic attack usually. While driving, shopping or ironically, in rare cases, even when asleep this could happen.

Panic attacks can be treated by counseling or a psychologist who could explain various methods to deal with the fear and reduce panic attack symptoms. Only in rare cases, there is need of medical treatment. - 30309

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What Are the Effects of Stress on Your Body?

By Charlene Sim

A healthy person will experience some effects of stress in their lives. Whether it is a marriage, the birth of a child or the death of a loved one, these are all stressors. Depending upon your personality, you will react to some of the major stressors in life in either a positive or negative manner. Also, how many stress factors occur at the same time will affect you physically and emotionally. Your current stress level, health and how you've handled stress in the past are all important factors to consider.

There are usually bodily effects linked to a great deal of stress that will become apparent. Your immune system will typically grow weaker because so much of your energy is used up dealing with whatever is triggering the stress, thereby making it very easy to become ill. People will normally experience irregular bowel movements, suffer from general aches and pains, and lose a lot of energy and vigor. These signs of stress are apt to be the most obvious and can normally be kept under control easily with a bit of rest and a decrease in stress levels.

Effects of stress can also be emotional in nature. It is very common to see people who are typically calm and level headed snap at others and become irritable very easily when they are coping with stress. Feeling overwhelmed and depressed are common reactions, as is moodiness. When you start to have emotional responses to stress you can end up causing long-term damage in relationships with others. Even when your actions are a result of stress levels, people around you may not be so accepting and can forever alter how you are perceived by others.

Other effects of excess stress can persist well after the end of whatever triggered the stress to begin with, such as behavioral symptoms. Here you can see your pattern of eating changing, as you consume either too little or too much, your sleep habits can suffer also, and you can acquire nervous habits that are not always acute in nature, yet that don't come across well with other people. These indicators of stress are the hardest to break off as your system becomes used to them. In worst case scenarios, strong addictions to substances like alcohol, tobacco and drugs can be created.

You can take control over the effects of stress by working on what is causing the stress and dealing with controlling those issues. Usually, you will feel less stress once the cause is gone or minimized. Then it is time for your body and mind to recover. This can take a short or a long time depending again on your immune system and your mental health. Be aware of what you are doing in response to stress and take steps to ensure that your responses are as healthy as possible so that no long-term damage is caused. - 30309

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I Saw a Dream Last Night. Can You Tell Me What It Means?

By Okan Anter

In 1977, while sitting in a large lecture hall at the University of Illinois I had my first panic attack. I remember just sitting there in the middle of the lecture and all of a sudden this fear came on me out of no where. I did not have a thought, I was not taking a test, it was not a stressful situation. I was just listening to the lecture and I had to run out. I was in panic. I did not understand what was happening. After a week of such incidences I decided it was time to see a psychologist. That is when I started to write my dreams down and the beginning of my journey to understand who I am, how my dreams work started. I have been interpreting dreams ever since.

I bet you, you don't know a lot of people who say "I know how to interpret my dream. I have been practicing a long time." That is because our fundamental relationship to dreams is to forget about them. Dreams are easy to forget. As a matter of fact you will forget most of them by the time you finish your fist cup of coffee.

Scientists know very little about dreams. Not much can be said about them until you start talking to psychologists especially those Freudians. Gestalt therapist can also tell you a lot about dreams. But no one knows how all those images are made up and presented. How our brain is capable of giving us imagery that in real life we would never see. It is quite a bit of magic.

I believe our dreams are about what has not been completed in the past. Here is what I mean: You have a dream, it is vivid and full of emotion. This dream is telling you that you did not pay attention to something you thought about or your felt or something you are not completing something that you are dealing with in your life. If you learn to interpret your dreams you will have the opportunity, first to know what is not completed yet and second you will get in to action to complete that which is not.

I said that most of us tend to forget our dreams very shortly after we see them, but there are those dreams that come up over and over again and there are those which are so charged with emotion and imagery that we get very curious and start to inquire. The first thing we do is, we go to friends and family and ask them about our dreams. If we are not satisfied we start reading and googling. All of a sudden these things called "Dream Dictionaries" show up. Please do not believe what you read in these "dictionaries." If you see a dog in your dream and I see a dog in mine, these do not mean the same thing to you and me.

Learn to interpret your dreams. You will have the opportunity to complete the past and have insight to how your mind operates. - 30309

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What Will Happen If I Ignore My Panic Attacks?

By Greg Anderson

If you were to ignore your panic attacks in the hope that they will disappear on their own, you will be very much demoralized because this just does not work. Unfortunately, panic attacks get worse, not better, and treatment is vital. Usually people start having panic attacks as teenagers, and the earlier they are treated the better.

Typically, an average adolescent who starts having panic attacks during his or her teenage years and does not seek treatment will continue to suffer from panic attacks. These panic attacks can last for the entire duration of a person's lifespan.

People who do not get treatment for their panic attacks will often find that other problems begin to arise, most of which are connected with the terrible fear of more panic attacks occurring. Some people even find themselves so concerned about having more panic attacks that they feel they need to hide in their own homes to avoid the possibility of having attacks in public. Panic attacks are quite unpredictable, however, and even staying home a lot is really no guarantee they will not happen.

Some Of The Complications Caused By Panic Attacks

Many complications can arise as a result of panic attacks. These complications can differ as each person is unique, but the following are some of the more common results that are seen with panic attacks, especially ones that are not treated. These complications include: Depression, phobias, failure in school, problems at work, money issues, drug or alcohol problems, and social problems.

Also, people who have panic disorder, which is the parent disorder of panic attacks, are at a higher medical risk for heart disease. Research into the link continues.

It is very important that you get your panic attacks treated. They will not abate until you face the problem and seek treatment. If you get help before the panic attacks escalate, you will have a much easier road to recovery. A program that uses proven psychological methods such as Panic Away is often the most reliable way to handle panic attacks and to make certain that you will not have to deal with constant future attacks.

Panic attacks are a crippling problem and everyone deserves to live a life free of this problem. If you suffer from panic attacks, getting treatment will be the best thing you can possibly do for yourself. - 30309

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The Different Types Of Headaches

By Rose Williams

There are a fair number of well-known sort of headache. These include, but are not limited to: cluster headaches, migraine headaches, tension headaches, chronic daily headaches, blood pressure headaches, chronic cluster headaches and sinus headaches.

A migraine headache can be a rather severe, debilitating headache. This sort of headache has a deep effect on the every day lives of its sufferers. The pain is either a pulsating sensation or sometimes a throbbing sort of head pain. This throbbing pain can vary from moderate to severe. The symptoms of migraine headaches include nausea and extreme audio-visual sensitivity. The migraine kind of headache usually comes with a precursive warning sensation sometimes called an 'aura'.

This aura is experienced in the form of changes in visual perception. You may see bright flashes or blurs and sometimes you may even lose part of your vision. You may even experience a numbness or a tingling in your arms. These warning symptoms will fade a while before the migraine attack begins. A migraine headache can last for about three days without any medication, before it subsides.

The sorts of tension headache cause a dull, constant pain in the forehead, the sides or back of the head. Some people compare a tension headache to a tight band wrapped around the head. This is thought to be one of the most common kinds of headache. A tension headache does not produce symptoms such as light sensitivity, nausea and vomiting.

Tension headaches occur in episodic or chronic kinds. Generally, most sufferers of this type of tension headache, experience chronic headaches. It is thought that about 40% of the population suffers from tension headaches. Chronic daily headaches are another of these types of headache.

Most chronic daily headaches are tension headaches or headaches that are caused by too much pain medication. With these kinds of headache, the pain is of a constant, dull nature - there can also be a feeling of tightness like a rubber band around the head. A chronic daily headache is diagnosed by its duration: the pain must last for at least 15 days per month during a three month period of time.

Another type of headache is the Cluster headache group, which is a rare but very painful type of headache. The name of the headache arises from the fact that the headache happens in clusters of pain. Frequently, periods of continuous Cluster headaches may last weeks or months. This time is followed by long periods of no headaches at all.

Cluster headaches are experienced on one side of the head. Usually the sharp, penetrating pain begins behind an eye. Cluster headaches cause red, teary eyes, a stuffy nose and sometimes symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light may occur.

These are a few of the many sorts of headaches that can be experienced. The pain from the headache can be mild or it can be very severe. To find relief from these headaches you must talk to your doctor about medication or you can buy some over the counter headache pain tablets. - 30309

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Panic Attack Help - How To Advice

By Carli Castellanos

What is a panic attack? Let me explain it with an example. If a person has enormous fear or anxiety and feels that he is having a heart attack, when it is not really a heart attack, then you can say he is suffering from panic attack... In general he may experience higher heart beat rate, palpitation and sweating. He may also experience hyperventilation. This panic attack may last for about 20 minutes.

Although a panic attack is not life threatening it can definitely impact one's quality of life. It can prevent people from participating in normal social activities for fear of triggering an attack. Fortunately, panic attack help is available.

While a panic attack is happening, it is necessary to request medical assistance to be sure that the person does not have another problem specifically people who have asthma or a heart ailment. This condition may appear very stressful, but it is necessary for the person to remain relaxed by continuing to relax yourself, otherwise you might cause the person to panic more rather than help him.

Make an attempt to speak to the individual in order to understand what is probably causing the attack and try to take the individual far from it but do not compel him by grabbing him away, which might impose accidental hurt as that can deteriorate the person's situation. Allow him to move around and check to see if he wishes to walk. You might even tell him to walk with you to compose him down so as to offer panic attack help.

It also means a lot not to ignore someone who is feeling fear. It might not seem real to you but the person who is having attack thinks it is real for them. It won't be good panic attack help to tell him he is crazy. Allow the person to relax and tell him to breathe in a natural way. Typically someone who suffers from holds their breath or breathes quick and fast. This can cause them to hyperventilate, which makes them dizzy and feel faint. When people manage their breathing, some of the symptoms disappear and they can relax more.

It is even imperative to keep them cool. It would aid them to calm down mainly in scenarios when the person experiences a hot sensation on the face and neck region. Cold compress can provide panic attack help. Patience along with understanding offers a great panic attack help. Comfort the person by keeping him calm and never leave him alone. - 30309

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Parental Stress: How To Deal With It

By Andrew John

When you're a parent, your prime objective is to keep your child safe, well adjusted and happy. You can't stop being a parent ever - even if your children are adults - but the worst part is being a parent to children of 18 years old and less. Caring for them and making them happy as well as safe is a difficult and ungrateful task, especially when children do not seem to understand you and your motives. Then, the parental stress is very probable to show up.

Giving children what they want is very difficult or even impossible at times, yet the demands will increase the stress level to unbearable level unless they are properly dealt with. As parental stress level only goes up with children age, it is an imperative to learn how to manage it and keep it under control.

Another source of parental stress is school and (later) relationships. While parents have to (and often really do) give all advice and support they can, such problems are long-term and can persist even for years. Teaching children how to cope with them and how to make right decisions is necessary not only from children's point of view. It is also the only way to stop parental stress level from growing.

The problems related to parenting can easily overwhelm even the strongest individuals. There are more than a couple of parents who start hating their children because of perceived lack of gratitude on the side of the children. Parents feel hurt, children feel as if they were left alone and the whole family is on the verge of catastrophe. You have to act before getting to that point and get the problems under control ASAP.

Parents have to be incredibly patient. However everyone gets mad from time to time, especially if children have pulled out something again. Do not try to unload your stress by shouting on your kids! Instead, cool down and take some time to rethink what you were about to say. Then return and talk to fix the situation rather than to just get mad on your children.

Leave your work problems behind before you get back home. There is no reason why you should aggravate the situation at home because your boss is less than intelligent. Always make a short break before going home - take a deep breath, have a cup of coffee and read some newspaper article. This will let you relax before coming home.

And the last tip: breathe! It works for all kinds of stress, including parental stress. Deep breaths let you cool down and relax allowing you to continuing as a good and relaxed parent and maintain your family in good mood. - 30309

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Overcoming Panic Attacks and Anxiety Disorder

By Mark Walters

In the modern day, anxiety is a big problem for anyone - but for those who suffer badly, having ways of overcoming panic attacks is a must. Unfortunately, I had this problem also, and the doctors could do absolutely nothing to stop my anxiety attacks. I found a solution myself though, and it involved regaining control of my thoughts and mind - no prescription drugs were needed at all.

Of course, "myself" didn't necessary mean that I needed to invent the methods on overcoming panic attacks. So, what did I do? Well, I searched the Internet for methods of getting rid of panic disorder and, as expected, I found tons of stuff. A heavy chunk of it was useless stuff like "breathing techniques" or "brown bag techniques" or "happy thoughts" techniques that were meant to cope with anxiety, not get rid of it. But then I came across a method that was bold and confrontative, one that made you face your fears and destroy them. It is what stopped my anxiety episodes.

The key point in the method was to understand that anxious thoughts pop up in the minds of everybody, not just panic disorder sufferers. So, the important question is then what makes us sufferers different from those non-sufferers? They don't have the same reaction as we do to the same situations. When an anxious thought comes to our mind, our body reacts to it intensely. And when our body reacts to it so strongly, we feel the need to examine that thought even closer, which makes our bodies react even stronger. The people who don't have anxiety attacks symptoms don't examine the thought so closely because they don't react that much to it. And when they don't react much to it, they don't examine it closely! See the "cycle of fear" that makes the attacks so persistent and strong? Event A happens, event B happens because of it; and then event A gets stronger because of event B. What you need to do is break this cycle.

To break the cycle of fear that arises from a single anxious thought, you need to follow a three step process: label - watch - proceed. When the anxious thought first arises, you need to label it as such, literally tell yourself that "this is an anxious thought". Don't try to ignore it, instead confront it. Then, watch and be aware of the reactions that your body is giving, and know that you have the power to control them, just as you control your reactions when you have happy thoughts. Finally, proceed with what you were doing prior to the anxious thought. It's done, it's over with, it was an insignificant part of your day.

Doing this a couple of times will help you tone down your reactions to the anxious thoughts and will greatly help you in overcoming panic attacks. - 30309

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Tips On How To Conquer Your Fears

By Trevor Johnson

If you have fears that keep you from enjoying life to it's fullest then you need help learning how to conquer your fears. If someone tells you that they are not afraid of anything they are lying to you. Everyone is afraid of something. Some of us just have more fears than others.

Over the years I have had to deal with several different fears that may or may not have been rational. An example of rational fear is being scared to drive on the interstate which I was. An example of irrational fear is being afraid of ladybugs or clowns which I also was.

The fact that your fears may be rational or even irrational is not what you should worry about the thing to be concerned about is them scaring you. You have to learn how to conquer your fear one fear at a time. You will not believe the way you feel when you conquer your fears.

Some helpful tips for conquering your fears will help you get on your way but the important part is up to you. You have to conquer your fears on your own. The first thing to do is say to yourself "I will conquer this fear."

The second tip I can give you is to not stop just because you start to feel anxious and scared. You will have these feelings but you have to push through them. The last step to conquering your fear is to just do it. No matter how scared you are, just go through with it and your mind will realize it is not as bad as it thought.

Keep repeating the process if you need to. These tips will only be useful with fears that are not actually harmful. Like the fear I have of clowns, ladybugs, and driving on the interstate. Or the fears of others I know such as a phobia of bridges. - 30309

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Here Are A Few Thoughts On How To Improve Self Esteem

By Eve Francis

Let's face it, we are all caught up in the meat market mentality that "you can never make another first impression"; or "clothes make the man"; statements like these bely the fact that we are all intensely aware of how we come across to everyone else out there that crosses our path, and our self esteem or lack of it, is built on this awareness and the reactions we get from other people.

The reverse is also true---those of us that were made to think of themselves as worthless, or not measuring up to family standards, or just plain stupid; grew up with the idea that they were losers and would never make the grade. This feeling of low self esteem can be a major stumbling block for some folks, and they spend much time and money trying to learn how to improve self esteem so they can live with themselves and do something positive with their lives.

The movers and shakers of the world are those who believe that they can move mountains if they only put their mind to it, because they are endowed with a positive self esteem that motivates them to take on all kinds of challenges with the idea that they will come out on top. They learned at an early age, that they were special, and kept improving on the factors that keep reinforcing how to improve their self esteem, so the reaction they get from the folks around them is always positive and they are folks that others want to associate with.

Let everyone sit and think a moment and inevitably they can think of someone they have known in their past that was full of life and exuberance and very positive in their thinking, and yet physically they were extremely unattractive (as society would define the word). How did someone like that learn how to improve their self esteem to the point that people gravitated to them just to be around them and wanted to spend time with them. Folks like that have worked on their self esteem by employing the Golden Rule and living it----because when you become a good listener, are concerned about others' welfare, and genuinely like people; your actions convey that about you that you treat others as you would want to be treated.

Learning how to improve self esteem is not a hard lesson to tackle; one of the biggest hurdles for a lot of people is to get over dwelling on folks' outward appearances and the emphasis that so many people place on them. If we would all be a little more human toward each other and a little less critical of the things that don't matter all that much on the universal scale of life, then we would all have very positive images of ourselves and there would be little or no need for classes in how to improve self esteem and the like.

Creating a whole person that feels good about themselves and reaches out to the world in a positive manner is a tough job, but hordes of families do it all the time. When we are born, we have nothing in our psyches telling us whether we are good or bad, worthless or priceless-----all that info is programmed into us as we grow by our parents and close family members and people of authority in our lives. If you receive positive feedback and psychological pats on the back, you grow into a person that is self actualized and driven to do great things because you feel you can conquer the world. On the other hand, if you are told repeatedly that you are a failure, a disappointment, a worthless human being, and they wish you had never been born; then you face the world with a very different outlook and learning how to improve your self esteem becomes a monumental task.

If you want to be a success in life, as society defines success, then you must have a strong and very positive self esteem that will carry you through all the valleys and chasms you must cover to get to the goal you are seeking. Life is not fair, and for those who suffer from self doubt, feelings of worthlessness, and despair----life can be excruciating and an absolute hell to live through. Learning how to improve self esteem and maintain a positive image of yourself and your abilities is crucial to getting to where you want to be in life. Self esteem is nothing more than feeling good about yourself, that you are a person of great worth, and people want to be around you and take to heart what it is you have to say because they value you as a person. Once you master that, you are on the fast track to success. - 30309

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Just A Few Ideas On An Anger Management Class

By Cindy Drake

Your jaw is locked, you are gritting your teeth, the veins are standing out on your neck, your fists are clenched and it is all you can do to keep from knocking that guy's teeth out of his head that just shoved you out of the way and called you a few choice names in the process. Ah, another fun day in the life of Joe Blow, the average Man on the Street, with the raging stress level and someone barely holding on to his temper almost every day of the week. We are all that guy in one way or another, and with the economy in the tank, the government out of control and being run by miscreants, and our lives upside down; it's no wonder there is so much road rage and murders and angry word exchanges at work.

So, where lies the answer to help with all this bottled up rage and anxiety that Americans are feeling? For many, help lies in the form of an anger management class where you can vent your feelings, be heard, and responded to not only by your peers, but also by someone who is professionally trained to guide the group to finding helpful solutions.

Just the fact that you can join a group of folks who are similarly upset and have anger problems, is a big help for many, because you all come from the same vantage point in your feelings---whatever the initial reason is or was for your individual anger. Being able to get your feelings out of your system in a productive way is a positive move, and an anger management class provides the environment for that kind of positivity; not to mention the fact that you will see just how pervasive anger can be for others, and that in itself will help you move through your own recovery and growth.

A lot of folks cannot deal with anger at all, and are classified as people with a short fuse or a bad temper. In some ways, that's a good thing for you physically because the stress does not stay bottled up inside to cause health problems; but the reverse can be just as detrimental in the fact that if you strike out at the other person at whom you are venting your rage, you may end up physically hurt or even dead.

Another thought on this is that there are all kinds of courses and classes on the Internet that can be accessed just by browsing up anger management class online, and then scanning the listings until you find one that sounds like a fit for you and is something you can afford. There are many larger companies that work with these anger management groups online and offer their employees the opportunity to join a class as a work benefit; also, people who are ordered by the court system to join an anger management class can use these courses as well.

Anger is an insidious thing, and for many folks it can become all consuming and terrifying in some respects, because the individual suffering from uncontrolled anger feels like his self control has been taken over by something else and the anger is on autopilot, controlling the situation completely. Professional help is definitely needed in situations like this, and an anger management class can help, as well as one on one help. The class is better for some people, because they thrive on the interaction of the members of the group and gain comfort in talking about themselves and getting positive feedback from the group and the therapist.

Life is full of stress and people interactions that are negative and anger provoking, and if you do not have an effective way of dealing with this stress and pent up emotion and rage, very negative occurrences can ensue and possibly ruin your life in many unforeseen ways. A well run anger management class can help with unloading these problems and working on alleviating the stress and the desire to go out and settle the matters physically, therefore giving you a more constructive way of dealing with life in general. - 30309

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Xenophobia, The Fear Of Strangers Or Foreigners

By Trevor Johnson

The fear of strangers or foreign people is often known officially as Xenophobia. It can not only be a fear of people you have not yet met, but of foreigners to your country and people with different beliefs to you. Xeno means stranger and phobia means to have a fear.

The fear of foreigners and people different to ones self can be regarding anybody from a different culture to your own, people with different personalities, higher levels of confidence or just somebody who believes in different things to yourself. People speaking in a foreign language can also cause alarm for those suffering with this phobia or fear and will always give a cause for alarm.

Xenophobia is not just something that a person decides to feel, it is naturally coded into them and is a mental wave. People suffering from this will genuinely believe deep inside that anybody different to themselves can hurt or harm them. A certain level of this phobia can exist in other people in their day to day lives also.

Some Xenophobics feel so strongly on the subject that they can become instantly violent and abusive towards the so called different person but in the large majority of cases, they will be calm and not saying anything, they might just back away and put themselves into a safer place.

Throughout history and even today, tribes across the world follow some kind of Xenophobia and will fight any tribes different to themselves. This just shows how many different levels it comes it and how widespread it can be.

Hitler is the most famous person to have fought and killed over this fear. It is thought that he genuinely was scared of people different to himself and in retaliation had them all killed as history bears witness. This is probably one of the very most extreme cases of such issues. - 30309

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You Ask Yourself, Can You Cure A Phobia?

By Trevor Johnson

At long last, you've decided to change yourself for the better. A phobia can be a scary thing to face. Never let it become too overwhelming to you. All of us want to be released from the fear that holds us down regardless of what it may be. So you ask yourself, can you cure a phobia? Be patient with yourself, you have to start somewhere.

No one could say that they aren't afraid of at least one thing in their lives, we may not like to admit it, but it's there. Waiting for us to slip up and accept it again. We don't have to succumb to it any longer. We're stronger than it gives us credit.

Even if we're afraid of facing them, they could end up getting worse than they were before. Bundling them up deep inside of us can be upsetting our overall mental stability, even causing some problems to those around us. As much as we'd like to put the well-being of others ahead of our own, we need to grab our phobia's by their chains and reign them in.

The easiest way to stop our phobia's dead in their tracks is to begin writing a list of everything is causes us to do, including things we can't do because of it. The list below shows an example of how it should be.

1: When did I first notice I had a phobia?

2: Is there a cause to my phobia and how did it start?

3: Does it alter your everyday activities or other's?

4: What made you seek help to begin with?

5: Is it causing me or anyone else physical harm?

Finally, make sure to give detailed answers for all the questions you had listed, it may be upsetting but if you can find out how it started, then you can begin the healing process by slowly removing the negativity from your life.

Fear destroys us from the inside, it can even control the outcome of our lives. It's hard to notice at first, and sometimes we let it take over. Don't allow this to happen anymore, the sooner you release that inner fear the phobia leaves, you'll feel better about your mind and body. No one wants to be a slave to fear, don't let it keep you locked up.

When the time comes and you're there to face your fears with arms wide open. Don't get discouraged, swallow back whatever binds you and step forward. The only thing that can stand in your way is the things you place there yourself.

Never let go of your inner strength, I didn't, and soon I was cured of most of phobia's. All it took was a little time, self acceptance and of course the true enlightenment of finally being emptied of the fears that held me back. Don't give up, be strong. - 30309

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Opt For Yoga Over Medications for Treating Depression

By Sean Davids

Studies have shown that some manner of antidepressant drugs are prescribed to over 20 million individuals in the US annually. However what ought to be the primary cause for concern are the many adverse reactions all too often experienced by those who take these anti-depression drugs. Helpful as they may be for a time, it's been proven that these anti-depression medicines cause various negative reactions which may consist of an unsettled stomach, exhaustion, sleeplessness and libido difficulties. Consequently, a good number of persons are seeking a way of managing depression without medication.

If you'd like to try treating your depression symptoms in a more natural approach to avoid these severe adverse reactions, you might want to consider doing yoga. Yoga and its soothing movements and poses are inclined to significantly boost the brain's alpha waves (linked to relaxation) and theta waves (your unconscious thoughts, emotions and dreams). This discovery is established on a research study that calculated brain waves in advance of a yoga class continuing for two hours, and again subsequent to it.

Because of the increased activity of these brain waves, people tend to have more contact with their subliminal thoughts and emotions. In addition, following a yoga class, alpha wave activity improves in the right temporal area of the brain. Research has demonstrated that folks with depression tend to experience enhanced alpha activity in the left frontal-temporal region, while positive, outgoing folks have more alpha activity on the right side.

Furthermore, when yoga is performed, a sizable reduction in the hormone known as cortisol happens, in addition to an increase in the hormone prolactin. This is believed by many professionals to be the principal factor in causing the anti-depressant outcome of electroshock therapy.

If this all seems a bit too advanced, maybe a less difficult example of how yoga is effective for managing depression may be that it stimulates the brain's motor centers. This causes the blood to flow in the opposite direction of the center of emotional activity; therefore you become more receptive to affirmative situations.

Just doing yoga poses will not be sufficient to control your depression. You also need to include breathing exercises (known as pranayama), meditation, (which might be based on your spiritual beliefs) and a proper diet. These are all crucial facets of the yoga philosophy that will make a difference in your mental health.

Therefore, when you next feel depression taking hold of your mind, you might do well to consider a new prescription for treating depression: yoga. It won't hurt you, and it could potentially help you enormously. - 30309

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Natural Remedies for Panic Attacks Can Be Highly Effective

By Candace Martin

There are many different varieties of panic attacks. Some will strike spontaneously and others will build up over time. Since the panic attacks are coming from within the body it makes sense to choose a lifestyle that is healthy in order to help mitigate the problem. In fact, natural remedies for panic attacks are one of the best ways to treat this debilitating problem.

Though some panic attack sufferers may combat their attacks with medication, it's best to treat them naturally. Medications, especially when taken in large doses can lead to uncomfortable side effects and drug dependency. The sufferer might become so addicted to his/her medication that panic attacks symptoms may not dissipate. Sleeping pills and stress relievers may help up to a point but these will only suppress the attacks. Once the medication is finished the panic attacks will return and with higher degrees of severity.

A healthy diet is a sensible first step to getting your panic attacks under control naturally. Beverages which contain caffeine, like tea and coffee, as well as any kind of beverage with alcohol, can increase heart palpitations. These will make panic attacks worse. Also, limit your intake of carbonated sodas and chocolate. Quitting smoking might help too. Some may claim that smoking helps to relieve stress but there is no direct evidence to suggest that tobacco products can help to reduce the effects of a panic attack.

Aromatherapy can help to relieve panic attacks. The soothing properties of certain oils can calm and relax tense nerves. Lavender, lemon balm and passiflora are some of the recommended oils that can produce positive results.

Regular doses of essential vitamins and minerals like magnesium, calcium and vitamin B can help the sufferer to sleep better and to settle the nervous system. More rest leads to greater mental acuity and better overall health.

A number of herbal remedies have demonstrated their effectiveness at helping to control panic attacks. Following are a few of the most popular.

Using St. John's Wort for panic attacks has been proven to increase a person's well being and greatly reduce the effects of panic attacks. It helps to stabilize the brain's neurotransmitters and the "feel good" chemicals norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. The result is more stable moods which tend to discourage panic attacks.

Kava root is a very popular anti-anxiety herb. It is an effectual and fast-acting sedative. Through depressing the central nervous system, kava root slows your heart and breathing, directly combating the effects of a panic attack. Because the body absorbs kava root very quickly, ingesting kava root right before a panic attack may significantly reduce symptoms. A meta-study concluded that kava root is more effective than placebo, in relieving anxiety disorders.

When your body ingests tryptophan, it can do one of two things: use the tryptophan to make some proteins, or transform the tryptophan into serotonin. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for feelings of safety and contentment. Logically, if one ingests more tryptophan, one's body produces more serotonin, leading to happiness and calm. How does one get more tryptophan in one's diet? Tryptophan is found in lots of foods, such as turkey, milk, and fish. Change your grocery shopping habits, and you're halfway there.

Whatever supplements you decide to take, discuss them with your doctor beforehand. If your doctor believes they will interact dangerously with your medications, his or her word is final. - 30309

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Comprehension

By Gordon Dalwood

Unfortunately, there seems to be a common misconception that GAD is not really condition which needs to be taken seriously. In fact, a vast amount of people even believe that GAD is a condition which only weak minded people experience, but the fact is, this couldn't be further from the truth. To the contrary, GAD is by no account a minor condition but rather, it's a condition which results in serious consequences for millions upon millions of people from around the globe.

GAD is a chronic panic form that is focused on worry and nervousness. Paranoia, fear and nervousness are the feelings a person suffering from GAD will deal with on a regular basis. The feelings will involve personal, family and financial matters. To qualify as GAD, the feelings must be of at least a 6 month duration.

Additionally, people suffering from GAD tend to suffer from a variety of symptoms, such as drowsiness, forgetfulness, irritability, lack of energy, insomnia, as well as a host of other issues. Furthermore, with so much anxiety playing on a person's mind, this psychological problem soon starts to manifest in physical ways. When the condition reaches this stage, the effects make it virtually impossible for a person to lead a normal day to day life.

There are instances of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among those who have GAD. Events that may have been traumatic can result in flashbacks. This will interfere with the quality of life the person had prior to experiencing these symptoms of GAD and their way of life loses the value when compared to those who do not suffer from GAD. Thus, the importance of seeking treatment for GAD.

An analysis is the number one priority when considering treatment. The psychiatrist will administer a number of standardized tests to start the analysis. Then based on the tests, a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be started. Normally this is a prescribed medicine for the anxiety which should help to alleviate the problem.

This method helps many people to rid themselves of the GAD symptoms. However, there are those who will prefer going the therapist route and receive counseling to combat the symptoms of GAD. There is also the combination of therapy and medication which seems to work great for many people.

It is, however, important not to dismiss engaging in simple lifestyle changes to reduce anxiety. Playing sports, cleaning up one's diet, taking part in hobbies that burn up excess tension can all have a calming and therapeutic. This is why they are considered so valuable.

It is also important to avoid listening to those individuals that downplay the seriousness of GAD. When advice and opinions are not coming from a knowledgeable source, it is best to dismiss the opinions. They simply are not helpful and they certainly will not play a role in alleviating your condition. Once again, their opinions are based on myths and hold little value. Stick with listening to the advice of professionals. They know what they are doing. - 30309

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Fear Of Cats: Is This A Rational Fear?

By Trevor Johnson

If you are feeling lonesome or sad, cats can sometimes give you a sense of comfort. They will cuddle-up on your lap and stay near you during your gloominess. They are often independent animals so can find their own meals in the wild. While some people may love cats, others still may hate them. Some of the people who hate them usually have a fear of cats. People could have these fears for many different reasons.

1. The first reason people may have this fear is superstition. People, who are superstitious, have irrational beliefs. They may believe something as silly as if a black cat crosses their path, they will have seven years of bad luck. Since a black cat is no different than any other cat, except for the color of its fur, this is very unfounded behavior.

2. They are unfamiliar with cats. People, who have had no contact with cats throughout their lives, may fear cats because they are unknown to them. The best way to fix this problem is to get to know these feline creatures. They may find that you really enjoy being around cats.

3. They could have a phobia. Having a phobia to cats is referred to as ailurophobia. People with this terror may exhibit irrational fears to cats for unknown reasons. These people usually do not know why they fear cats. They see them as creepy, hairy, terrifying beast, the same way someone else might see spiders. If you know one of these people, you might want to encourage them to seek help since this phobia could impair their everyday life.

4. They may not like animals, especially cats. Some people do not like cats because they really don't like animals. Maybe they are allergic to animal fur and would rather not be around them. Sometimes these people may be able to tolerate animals like dogs or rabbits but want nothing to due with cats.

If you are one of these people and would like to get rid of your fear of cats, you should seek counseling or try familiarizing yourself with them. - 30309

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A Fear Of Taking Tests - Tips And Advice

By Trevor Johnson

The fear of taking tests is called testophobia. Most everyone experiences some level of anxiety when it comes to taking tests - this is natural. However, if the fear is extreme, something must be done. The following article will discuss some tips and advice when it comes to overcoming testophobia.

When our brains do not get enough oxygen, we tend to get stressed. This is why most experts recommend breathing techniques to help overcome the fear of taking tests. Doing breathing exercises will help get the oxygen to your brain to normal levels, and reduce the chances of getting anxiety over taking a test.

Exercising regularly can also aid in decreasing the amount of fear and anxiety you feel about taking tests. You do not have to do anything real strenuous in order to achieve results, just regular activity such as walking will do. This decreases overall stress, thus, decreases the anxiety and fear you will feel about taking an important test or exam.

When we over-eat or under-eat, it can cause stress on our bodies. With the hustle and bustle of life in general, we tend to forget about proper nutrition. If you eat a balanced diet regularly before exams, it can make a huge difference. Eating properly can help you eliminate your test anxiety.

Lastly, in order to be at your best during a test or exam, you need to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep. If you get the proper amount of sleep your mind will be rested for the test taking process. Your test anxiety will be reduced and so will your fear of taking tests.

Sometimes the fear of taking tests can consume you no matter what techniques you use to try to prevent it. When this is the case, professional help may be necessary to get you through it. If you have tried everything, and still cannot get it together come test time, you may want to consult with your doctor for possible solutions. - 30309

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Anxiety and Insomnia

By Gordon Dalwood

Are you desperate to get a good night's sleep but finding it impossible? Do you find yourself tossing and turning all night and when you do drift off, you wake up soon afterwards again? Is this something you've been experience for a few months, or do you experience these bouts every once in a while? Perhaps you've been having these bouts for year already but because they tend to come and go, you've always just battle your way through them. Well, if any of this sounds familiar, then I'm afraid that anxiety may very well be the cause of the insomnia.

How can this be possible? Well, if you are worrying about your job, finances, or personal life to the point a good night's sleep is impossible, then you may be suffering from an anxiety induced sleep disturbance. And, no, this is not a minor problem. If you are unable to get a decent night's rest, there can be many ripple effects that you must contend with in the rest of your life.

Imagine not having a decent night's sleep in over two weeks. Would you think you would be effective on the job? More than likely, such problems could completely undermine your standing at work. Your home life could also be seriously affected as well. Excess tension and irritability can undermine your relationships with friends and family. That is why it is important to deal with the situation with the obvious intention of reversing its impact.

One question often asked even though we know anxiety can cause sleeplessness is why does this happen? Basically the hyperactivity and restlessness you have are the reason these occur together. The mind races through so many thoughts that it makes it impossible to relax long enough to sleep. This is what ends up causing sleeplessness which must be dealt with by anxiety sufferers.

There are numerous ways to reduce anxiety in order to eliminate insomnia. In particular, one of the most beneficial things to do is to avoid consuming any substance that will contribute to your anxiety. For example, you should avoid caffeine and other stimulants if you are having trouble sleeping. Bear in mind, it's been proven time and time again that these substances are known to increase and contribute to anxiety.

Getting regular exercise is also very important. Anxiety is interconnected with excess and built up tension. Through exercising, you can reduce such tension by utilizing it in your athletic performance. In short, you can burn up anxiety in the same way you can burn calories.

Engaging in deep breathing exercises is also helpful. Gaining control of your breathing will contribute greatly to reducing anxiety. This is because deep breathing will slow your respiration and your heart rate. This, in turn, will have a calming effect. That will eventually help restore your normal sleeping patterns.

A very serious problem, anxiety is bad enough by itself. But when you add sleeplessness the problems are even more serious. But there are ways, thank goodness, that you can lessen these symptoms. This allows hope that you will once again take control of your life. - 30309

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Natural Solutions for Anxiety Treatment

By Candace Martin

Anxiety is a state of the mind in which there is a mix of emotional and behavioral mechanisms. This leads to unpleasant feelings of agitation, worry and fear. The most common cause of anxiety is stress but there is no way in which stress can be completely avoided in life. There are times when stress and anxiety are helpful to us in dealing with a particular situation but when it intensifies so much that it interferes with our decision-making abilities, then it is time to go for treatment. But instead of going for anxiety treatment based on allopathic methods, it is advisable to opt for natural anxiety treatment methods.

But, before you jump into the fray and get into the whole anxiety treatment procedure, it is important that you figure out the cause of the anxiety attack. This is very necessary for you to get the perfect treatment. This can be done through a gradual understanding of the way in which we perceive our external environment.

When anxiety starts to elevate into depression, then it is high time that you start looking out for anxiety treatment methods. The allopathic methods would recommend the usage of strong medications which have myriad side-effects like Prozac. But all these medications seldom seem to help as the number of side-effects that are brought on by these anxiety treatment modes far outweigh the benefits. Rather than going for these modes, it is always better to try out natural remedies which are free of side-effects as well as quick to affect the body in a better way.

Rather than taking a whole truck-load of complex medicines which are going to have extensive side-effects on your body, the first natural method of anxiety treatment is exercising. This method of treatment is helpful in strengthening the body and its various parts while also clearing away depression and anxiety. Considered as one of the best methods of anxiety treatment, exercise is a method where there is no side-effect and thus, can be continued for as long as one wants. Other than this, there are a lot of other natural methods which will help you in treating depression and anxiety successfully. Some of them are yoga, meditation, listening to soothing music and reading a good book. All of these methods have been successful anxiety treatment methods with no history of allied side-effects.

You can do a lot of research online. It's always best to get both sides of the treatment question. Find sites that are opposed to drug usage and sites that support it. The best way to make a confident and wise decision is get a take on both extremes. You can talk to professionals on both sides as well. Make an appointment with a holistic practitioner and with a traditional doctor. Follow your heart with whichever way feels more comfortable and fitting for you. There's no right way, just the way that feels right for you. - 30309

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Asking Yourself Do I Have OCD?

By Trevor Johnson

When you ask yourself do I have OCD you may be concerned that whatever is in your life that you obsessed about is controlling you? We all have behaviors that can be quirky but when they effect and control your life you might want to get help. Below are a few types of OCD categories that may help you evaluate your behavior.

Dirt and contamination is a type of OCD behavior. People who suffer from this disorder are afraid of contracting a fatal illness and know that they will. They also cannot handle germs or dirt. They are also afraid of giving germs to others.

Symmetry is another type of OCD category. People who suffer from this cannot stand anything to be out of place. This can be their belongings or someone else's. They cannot their clothes out of order as well.

Checking is another category of OCD behavior. Checking for an oven to be turned off or a coffee pot is an example. Checking a bank book over and over again is another example. Or perhaps checking your body consistently for diseases is a form of the OCD category of checking.

Superstitions are an OCD category. Washing hands more than twice over and over is a sign. So is the need to clean everything and believing that nothing is ever truly clean. Other OCD categories include hoarding and saving to sexual behaviors.

If you feel that you may have an issue in any of these or other areas of obsession, then realizing it is the first step. You can talk to your doctor or consider therapy. Again a small obsession is not to be of concern about. When the obsession stops your life then you do need to get help.

There are many support groups out there for specific behaviors you can look into. There are some medications that can be taken but finding the root of the behavior is the best course of healing and rehabilitation. You can find help and there are people out there that care and can be of service to your healing process. - 30309

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What Factors Cause Panic Attacks to Happen?

By Greg Anderson

The reasons for panic attacks are not know with 100% certainty. There are some certain factors that certainly appear to contribute to the onset of panic attacks, but the reasons almost always vary by person and by situation.

According to scientific experts, the effects of panic attacks may possibly be related to the action of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. If neurotransmitter are mis-firing, they can make a reaction called "fight or flight" occur. This reaction is typically the precursor to panic attacks. The unknown here is why this reaction would be set off when the time is wrong, and the reasons behind that are still being researched today.

While precise causes may be unknown, it is known that some people are at an increased risk for experiencing panic attacks. Heredity appears to be a factor since panic attacks tend to run in families. The stress related with major life changes such as graduation, getting married, starting a new job, having a baby, divorce, or losing a job can sometimes tend to trigger panic attacks as well.

There are some medical conditions, and drugs related to those conditions, that could possibly bring on panic attacks. Should you start to have panic attacks for the first time, it is best to see your physician so that the cause can be determined if at all possible.

Possible medical causes of panic attacks include: Mitral valve prolapse, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, the use of stimulants, and withdrawal from medication.

If your panic attacks are caused by medical issues which can be easily controlled, your physician will usually choose to make some changes to your medication or ask you to make lifestyle changes to prevent panic attacks from happening again.

If you suffer from panic attacks which are not medically related, then they can be controlled with the use of a sound psychologically based program. Since a program like this, such as Panic Away, works by first eliminating the crippling fear of future attacks, it puts you in a position of power over your own panic attacks and gives you the tools you need to beat them. Panic Away does not use drugs, hypnosis, or any kind of dangerous techniques. The methods are simple, and can be used at any time.

Due to the fact that this program affects the specific areas of the brain that bring on the panic attacks, you will be able to keep the attacks from starting ever again. - 30309

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Getting The Most Out Of Your Astral Travel

By Jason Flander

There really is no way to describe what method to use for the best astral projection results"best" can be interpreted in more than one way, depending on whom is being asked. By "best", are you looking for the easiest technique? Or a method that is the most effective?

The truth is there is no best process for everyone because everyone has a different level of psychic sensitivity and everyone learns and develops their skills in their own distinctive ways. So, what may be the best for you might not be the best for someone else; basically, in this case, what is good for the goose is not always good for the gander. The key is not to search for a single best routine of projection, but to experiment with all methods and, from there, determine which technique works best for you.

If you are just starting to attempt astral projection, the best choices for projection methods would probably be the easiest ones. By 'easy', I mean the ones that require the smallest amount of mental and psychic effort, just so you may get your [astral] feet metaphorically wet. Visualization uses up a significant amount of mental energy, and since most techniques require the burgeoning traveler to imagine doing things, you need to choose your method carefully so you do not wear yourself out before getting the chance to do anything significant.

Personally, I feel one of the most effective techniques involves meditation and breathing exercises. By choosing to have your breathing serve as a focus point in the meditation, you may actually hypnotize yourself into the state between sleep and consciousness (the hypnagogic state) and it is in this state projection often occurs. This method requires no visualization (but you can use it if you choose), and the relaxation is the main part of the projection itself, as opposed to just a preliminary exercise.

From what I have researched, methods that involve visualization tend to be a bit easier than some methods that do not rely on one's imagination. But if you have trouble imagining things in your mind, there are means of astral travel that do not involve using the 'mind's eye'. Lucid dreaming is a way of achieving astral projection sans visualization, and if you tell your mind vehemently enough that you are going to have a lucid dream and experience projection before going to sleep, you may be able to will your astral soul out of your body. It may seem like minimal progress, but if you see results, even the tiniest bit of development is extraordinary.

Other methods may take a bit of a toll on the physical body in ways that would distract novice or intermediate travelers, such as techniques that require another person to scare your astral self out of your earthly body, or forcing your consciousness to believe it is in the wrong body and to go find its real one. I highly recommend not trying any method of projection involving strain on the corporeal being unless you are a very experienced astral traveler.

As stated previously, there is no one method that is a perfect choice for everyone. You must experiment with various methods before you find one that suits you and your astral self, and what has been discussed in this article were simply suggestions. - 30309

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Asking Yourself Do I Have OCD?

By Trevor Johnson

When you ask yourself do I have OCD you may be concerned that whatever is in your life that you obsessed about is controlling you? We all have behaviors that can be quirky but when they effect and control your life you might want to get help. Below are a few types of OCD categories that may help you evaluate your behavior.

Being obsessed with contamination and dirt can be an obsession if you have an unrealistic fear of them. If you are fearful of contracting a fatal disease, germs and spreading germs that reach an unhealthy point you may have cause for concern.

If a need for symmetry is affecting your relationships you may want to seek help. Those who suffer from this form of OCD will have an irrational need for everything to be in place and will get very upset if it is not. This includes personal hygiene and dress.

Checking can also be an obsession. Driving around and around a corner because you saw something, afraid someone is hurt or constantly checking yourself for disease is a cause for concern. Being aware if fine, being obsessed with it is an issue.

Superstitions are an OCD category. Washing hands more than twice over and over is a sign. So is the need to clean everything and believing that nothing is ever truly clean. Other OCD categories include hoarding and saving to sexual behaviors.

If you feel that you may have an issue in any of these or other areas of obsession, then realizing it is the first step. You can talk to your doctor or consider therapy. Again a small obsession is not to be of concern about. When the obsession stops your life then you do need to get help.

There are many support groups out there for specific behaviors you can look into. There are some medications that can be taken but finding the root of the behavior is the best course of healing and rehabilitation. You can find help and there are people out there that care and can be of service to your healing process. - 30309

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Useful Tips For Astral Travel

By Jerry Taylor

According to studies and experiences of people who astral project, we know that some individuals can transmit themselves into the astral plane with more ease than others. For the rest of us, it may take several attempts before we have better control over the act of projecting. Regardless of how long it takes an individual to leave their bodies, there is no such thing as an instant result. Even the talented ones have to work at it.

The reason for this is quite simple. In order to initiate the process of your soul leaving your body, you have to be completely relaxed. Many people project while asleep, and it's quite difficult to manage that level of relaxation while fully conscious. Sp if you would like to try and project while awake, you must unwind and calm your body and your mind. Meditation is suggested for both relaxing and beginning the route of projection. No one is perfectly composed at the moment they wish to project, so be sure you are in a soothed state of mind; otherwise, projection may not be successful.

If you've done this before, you will find that you might be able to project faster to a place you have already projected to in the past. Since you have been to the area previously and are familiar with it, it will not take as long to locate this area compared to how long it may take to locate a new place. The same could be said of traveling on a regular road. It may take you less time to reach a recognizable place than it would take to find somewhere you have never visited before.

As with most things, you must constantly practice astral projection in order to improve your ability to travel through the astral world. Do not expect to attempt projection for the first time and perform the feat perfectly; getting the technique right takes lots of time and effort. Such high expectations of a spiritual activity that requires immense thought and concentration may overpower your mind and its ability to remain placid, and may thwart your intention to travel.

Do not be disappointed if you've not made any noticeable progress after several endeavors. Whether or not you're aware of it, you are advancing your skills with every session of practice. Only if you are prepared to put forth that effort will you have a chance at successfully projecting your soul into the astral plane. - 30309

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Are Panic Attacks A Severe Medical Issue?

By Greg Anderson

Panic attacks are, in fact, quite serious and they need to be treated or they may grow worse.

Panic attacks will often leave those who suffer from them feeling as if a thousand pound weight is crushing their chest, or as if they are having a heart attack. A person suffering a panic attack will frequently experience profound physical discomfort and even pain.

The stomach pain can be so bad that it feels like you are being kicked in the stomach, and the lungs can feel like they are dying from lack of air. Sometimes, nearly every part of the body can hurt or even go numb during a panic attack. The physical effects can be horrible, but sometimes the psychological ones are potentially worse. A panic attack can make you feel like you are literally losing your mind, like you will die soon, or that the world is ending.

People who have panic attacks are usually, quite understandably, so scared to have them that they are constantly on edge wondering when the next one will occur. Panic attacks do not necessarily result in lasting physical problems, but the emotional and mental effects are severe.

It is actually quite common for the physical effects of panic attacks to be so severe that patients will end up in hospital emergency rooms or at urgent care centers, fearing they are going into cardiac arrest, having a severe asthma attack, or having a nervous breakdown.

Some doctors actually tell panic attack patients "it's all in your head, nothing serious" in a dismissive manner and end up making the patient feel truly hopeless.

Panic attacks are a very serious medical problem and they need to be regarded as such. Unlike other medical problems, such as an easily treated virus or illness, panic attacks require an approach that treats the problem, and prevents it from continually occurring. Panic attacks need to be not just managed, but prevented. Panic attacks are a medical problem that can be quite serious and accelerate until they are nearly out of control, so it is important that patients and doctors alike treat them that way.

A program like Panic Away is the most effective way to stop panic attacks. We know that temporary fixes are not effective, so this program makes sure that there is a long term solution. The core of the program is psychological techniques that control the panic attack triggers and stop them from reoccurring. - 30309

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Are Panic Attacks A Severe Medical Issue?

By Greg Anderson

Panic attacks are indeed a severe medical issue and they need to be treated as they only increase over time.

Panic attacks will often leave those who suffer from them feeling as if a thousand pound weight is crushing their chest, or as if they are having a heart attack. A person suffering a panic attack will frequently experience profound physical discomfort and even pain.

The stomach pain can be so bad that it feels like you are being kicked in the stomach, and the lungs can feel like they are dying from lack of air. Sometimes, nearly every part of the body can hurt or even go numb during a panic attack. The physical effects can be horrible, but sometimes the psychological ones are potentially worse. A panic attack can make you feel like you are literally losing your mind, like you will die soon, or that the world is ending.

Most people who suffer from panic attacks say that they would go to nearly any length to avoid having the attacks happen, but they simply do not know how to prevent them. Panic attacks may not cause major long term physical damage, but the mental and emotional damage can be quite severe.

Fairly often, panic attacks can feel so scary and painful that patients will feel compelled to visit an emergency room, thinking that they are perhaps having a heart attack, losing the ability to breathe, or even dying.

Unfortunately, panic attacks are not always taken seriously in an emergency setting. Doctors sometimes, upon realizing a panic attack is the problem, will just send the patient home with an attitude of "you overreacted".

Panic attacks are a very serious medical problem and they need to be regarded as such. Unlike other medical problems, such as an easily treated virus or illness, panic attacks require an approach that treats the problem, and prevents it from continually occurring. Panic attacks need to be not just managed, but prevented. Panic attacks are a medical problem that can be quite serious and accelerate until they are nearly out of control, so it is important that patients and doctors alike treat them that way.

There are some methods for preventing panic attacks that are very effective, such as Panic Away. The idea which makes this plan work better than anything else is that the brain mechanism causing panic attacks to occur is stopped. When the trigger to panic attacks is prevented, you can live free of them at last. - 30309

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Overcome OCD Naturally, Without Medication

By Trevor Johnson

The first step to overcoming any problem is to recognize and understand it. Therefore, if you want to overcome OCD naturally, one of the first factors that need to be acknowledged is that it is a form of anxiety. The reason this is important is so that you can fully appreciate what triggers your symptoms. When you understand your triggers, you can focus on them as much as the symptoms themselves.

One way of understanding anxiety is to view it almost as an over-active flight response. With OCD, instead of flight or fight, a person is stuck in a third reaction type, that of prevention. Instead of facing the fear, or running from it, a person with OCD obsesses about the possible danger, and develops some kind of ritual to keep it at bay.

The rituals can comprise of actions, like washing your hands over and over, or even thoughts and urges. These thoughts and urges can also be aimed at oneself, such as obsessing over a particular body part that seems flawed somehow. Regardless, the person performs the ritual to prevent a danger.

Once a person with OCD begins to realize that they are dealing with a fear, the process of overcoming OCD naturally can begin. Instead of fixating on why, for instance, you lock the dead bolt seven times, and turn the door knob three times to the right before locking it, focus on the cause of the ritual. Understand what is happening, and then try to change the way you are handling the situation.

Even if the people around you do not recognize your symptoms, most people with OCD know when the ritual is happening. So, try to change your mindset, and see the urge as a challenge. Maybe tell yourself that you need more adventure in your life anyway, so when the urge hits, make yourself do absolutely nothing for 10 minutes. Each time, delay the reaction longer and longer, until your brain begins to process that nothing happens when the ritual is not performed.

It's all about exposure and response prevention. Even if you cannot control the feeling, you can learn to control the response. OCD is a type of anxiety disorder, and the best way to overcome anxiety naturally, without medication, is exposure to the fear. For OCD, force your mind to recognize that even when the ritual is not performed, nothing happens. When you can do that, you can overcome OCD naturally. - 30309

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Tips and Techniques on How to Deal With Hyperactive Children

By Jennifer Poultson

Most of the children who get distracted very easily and are impatient are termed hyperactive children. They like to run around and do not sit in one place and most of the time, have difficulty in paying attention to task. Sometimes, due to their hard to control hyperactivity, they may tend to cause some troubles.

Hyperactive children are mostly diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder or ADHD. In order to help you on how to deal with hyperactive children, you may consider the following suggestions:

Green leafy vegetables and fruits are great food for children especially those with ADHD. This will help them become more alert and attentive. According to various researches, excessive taking of sweet and salty foods and drinks can boost children hyperactivity.

2. Also important to avoid is the red dye #40. This increases hyperactivity especially for those children with ADHD. Red dye #40 is found in candies, crackers, cereals and most of the powdered drink mixes. To make sure of the food you buy, always check the label.

Choosing the rewards in exchange of the tasks assigned for these children can be more exciting for them and motivate them to do the tasks assigned to them. This is a very effective method in dealing with hyperactive children.

4. Children always need support and so much more for hyperactive children. Support them in most of they do as long as it will not cause trouble to others. Show them that you love and care for them as this will help improve their behavior. This is also another effective way of dealing with hyperactive children.

Always try to look authoritative but calm when the children already started to cry out loud. Talk to the children about their problems and require them to stop crying to solve the issue faster. Do not threaten them, as this will only cause the children to cry louder. The facts that they only have a short span of attention, what will you tell them should have to be short and simple. Tell them exactly the point of the issue. If you want to have a good response of behavior, talk to them in an authoritative way but remain calm.

It is very important to remember to never ever to compare children to others. This is not a good solution to make the children achieve something better, as this will only embarrass them. Let the children do what they want and reach their potential.

7. It is also necessary to make rules and regulations that can be easily understood. Create rules that are clear and can be easily followed. If these rules are not followed, make some penalties in order for these children to effectively follow the rules. Minor penalties such as rewards that cannot be receive if they disobey. See to it that these rules are properly explained to them.

If children see what you do, they may want to imitate you especially if they see some positive results of what you did. Become a role model to them and show them good deeds that you want them to also do.

There are some natural remedies like homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies that are very effective to treat hyperactivity. These are very effective and safe natural remedies. If in case the above suggestions are not yet sufficient in dealing with hyperactive children, you may try these remedies as alternative. - 30309

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