There Are Some Valid Reasons For Fear Of Mushrooms

By Trevor Johnson

The official term for fear of mushrooms is Mycophobia and it is not nearly as uncommon as people may believe. Every child has been taught to avoid wild mushrooms in the yard and most wild mushrooms are poisonous. This early training to avoid mushrooms may be one of the reasons for the fear of mushrooms. Mycophobics have an irrational fear of mushrooms that goes well beyond safety or caution.

Agoraphobics are often unable to lead a normal life. Other phobias have varying impacts on normal lives. A fear of mushrooms is only a small inconvenience for most mycophobes who have learned to avoid unexpected mushrooms. When the fear of mushrooms causes screams and immobility the life of the mycophobe becomes a daily challenge.

To non-mycophobes simply avoiding mushrooms seem easy. If you have a fear of mushrooms the task is not nearly as easy as it sounds. In day to day life we rarely notice mushrooms. The mycophobe is not so lucky. A fear of mushrooms can be triggered in unexpected places. Walking along a sidewalk near a toadstool can be a challenge.

The fear of mushrooms can take many forms. The most severely affected individuals will fear the sight and touch of mushrooms and the idea of eating one is almost enough to cause panic. A meal in a nice restaurant becomes impossible without subjecting the waiter to a "third degree" about what the ingredients are in the menu dishes.

A meal in a nice restaurant can be a challenge. Mushrooms are widely used to add flavor and appearance to many dishes. A fear of mushrooms can require questioning the waiter repeatedly to be sure no mushrooms are in the various menu items.

Most people with a fear of mushrooms manage to have normal lives by learning to avoid places where unplanned encounters can occur. Mild fear reactions are easily disguised. When a fear of mushrooms is having a major impact on a person's life there are treatment options. One way to find help is with internet search. Some self-treatment methods are available but consulting a professional is always the best first step. - 30309

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